14 | Another Day, Another Awkward Encounter

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DAY 42

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DAY 42

Between getting mentally prepared for final exams, working at the coffee shop almost every night, and having random sex flashbacks of Steve Rogers - Honey Daniels could hardly function properly these days.

When she wasn't working, she was going to class or studying for the finals that were coming up in a few short weeks. Then the flashbacks would creep in and she wholly felt as though she was getting absolutely nothing accomplished. 

It was exhausting having the best sex of your life.

Her mind was so bemused that she hadn't even noticed Corinna Stevens standing in front of her at the cash register, snapping her fingers in front of Honey's face in an attempt to bring her back to reality. She had been staring off at the clock on the far wall absently for the last five minutes, twirling her dark waves around her finger and letting go, only to repeat the process over again.

"Hello, Earth to Honey Daniels." 

"Sorry," she shook her head as she glanced up to meet Corinna's concerned eyes. "It's been a long day."

Honey hadn't hung out with Corinna or Josephine again since the infamous girls night out, only really talking to them in passing when she went to class. Though they never spoke of the night after it had happened, it kind of felt like the weird elephant in the room - which was to be expected after the scene that Rogers made before dragging her from the bar that night.

"I have some news that will turn your day around," she suggested happily, bouncing on her heels with a pleased grin plastered on her full lips.

With a rather wary, faint chuckle, Honey's eyebrows pulled together slightly as she attempted to force a smile. "Oh yeah?" 

From the way that Corinna's smile was turning from friendly to relatively devious, like she had created the ultimate master plan inside of her head, Honey had an inkling that she would probably not be quite fond of whatever Stevens was about to tell her.

"You have a date with Parker Jensen from our Journalism class on Friday." 

Case and point. 

"W-what?" Honey stuttered in bewilderment, her hands gripping the counter to steady herself as clenched her teeth together tightly.

"Yeah, you're not seeing anyone, right?" Corinna suggested nonchalantly, undoubtedly just trying to see if Honey was seeing the hunk of a man that came to her rescue that night at the bar. "Oh, and a caramel latte to go, please." 

Too bad dating wasn't that hunk of a man's thing

Honey wasn't seeing anyone or dating anyone, technically. She was only participating in a peculiar not-really-friends with benefits situation with Steve Rogers - but she was not going to tell Corinna that. 

"No, no I'm not seeing anyone," Honey answered quickly, typing her order on the register screen before turning to make Corinna her latte as smoothly as she possibly could. 

"Love that, he'll be at your place on Friday at eight, then."

Honey's stomach churned uneasily at her words as she finished making the steaming latte, turning around to hand over her coffee - only to catch the eye of none other than Steve Rogers himself standing behind Corinna. A choking sound left Honey's lips that she attempted to cover up with a cough as she gave Corinna the coffee with a strained smile.

The frigid, cold look on Steve's face told Honey that he had definitely heard every word of that conversation and was not happy. 

"Sounds great," Honey chirped weakly. "This is on me today, Cor. See you in class tomorrow." 

Honey watched the overly excited girl with nervous eyes as she left the coffee shop buoyantly with her free latte and lack of gratitude before having no other option but to peek up at Steve, who was next in line. He was not hiding the way he chewed at the inside of his cheek irritably as crossed his arms across the front of his broad chest.

"Date on Friday, huh?"

Swallowing tensely, Honey licked her dry lips. "Uh, I don't know, I guess so. But that's okay, right? We aren't exactly exclusive so I didn't think seeing other people would be an issue." 

Shut up, Honey. 

Steve's eyes narrowed the slightest bit as he placed both hands on the counter, leaning over until he was only inches away from her face, hovering next to her ear. "If you go on that date, I'm going to bend you over my knee and make sure that you won't be able to walk straight for a week."

Chills cascaded across Honey's body as her lips parted in astonishment, her heart thudding rapidly against her chest as the flashbacks decided to take their moment to shine in her mind. The hunger inside of her belly grew at the thought of him spanking her like he described.

"Oh," she squeaked almost inaudibly.

It was bizarre, and confusing, that Steve persisted that he was not keen on certain things, but was very obviously jealous about the talk of her possibly seeing another person. 

Honey loved it. 

Steve examined her intently as she squirmed under his stare before turning on his heel to leave the cafe without so much as another word. 

"You're not going to order anything?" Honey asked curiously as a futile attempt to keep him in her presence even longer, intertwining her fingers behind her back as she sucked in a deep breath.

"Didn't come here for the coffee," he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Honey to hear, before whisking open the door and leaving. 

The defibrillator may have been a joke before, but Honey seriously needed one now to restart her piteous heart. 

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