20 | Coinciding Party Plans

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DAY 60

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DAY 60

"Honey, that tall, muscular guy is out there wanting to speak with you again."

Honey lifted her head curiously in Harry's direction as she finished up the last of the dirty dishes in the sink, pursing her lips at his words. "Oh, you mean Captain Buttface?"

"Is that what we are calling him these days?"

Honey snorted under her breath as she removed her hands from the soapy sink water, whisking up the raggedy towel next to her as she dried them off. She wanted to call Steve Rogers every mean name in the handbook of insults for the stunt he pulled with Walker the stalker, but instead she sucked in the deepest breath she could manage as she forced a smile on her face.

"I'm sure it'll be something different after we talk," she moistened her lips with her tongue coolly as she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her apron. "Send him back here, will ya? We don't need the entire cafe witnessing what I have to say to him."

Harry snickered as he raised a probing eyebrow. "I'll send in the swat if you're not back out here in ten minutes, capeesh?"

"I'm holding you to it," she pointed at him precariously.

She heard Harry let out another deep laugh as he walked back out into the cafe, making her lips tug in the corners - she wasn't quite sure what she would do without his shenanigans.

Turning to face the kitchen sink once more, Honey placed her already clammy hands on the counter, gripping so tightly that her knuckles turned a faint white. She was unsure of what words would leave her mouth the moment she saw him, or if they even would at all, but she knew for a fact that she needed to stand her ground with this one.

Steve Rogers needed to be put in his place.

Yeah, Honey was all riled up and ready to go until he actually emerged into the confinements of the kitchen, pushing through the doorway and combing through his hair with his fingers simultaneously - making her forget why she was even mad at him to begin with.

Curse him and his good looks.

The moment his blue eyes fell on Honey's tiny figure, they immediately lit up, excitement flashing through them as he strode over towards her in three, long steps. Her mouth hardly had time to even part before his lips were crashing into hers, making her throat dry up in anticipation as she melted into his hands the second they grasped the sides of her face. He held her petite head in his hands like she was a precious diamond, fragile to the touch, his fingers entangling in her dark waves.

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