27 | The Morning After

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DAY 91

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DAY 91


Steve Rogers had never woken up the next day with a girl in his apartment.

So frankly, when he awoke this morning entangled with Honey's sleeping figure on his couch, he waited for the other shoe to drop. The anger, the fear, or anything. He thought it would come seeping in, but as he lifted his head that rested on her warm chest to stare up at her, those feelings never came. Perhaps he was too distracted by the way her full lips were parted slightly, allowing the quiet snore to resonate from her mouth, or the way her waves were sprawled out across his couch cushions, messy from a restless night.

No, he knew that he was focusing on the way her arms were wrapped around him more than anything else.

What kind of games was God playing, creating such a beautiful human being only to have her life ruined by throwing her in his life?

"Honey," he mumbled softly, removing her hands from around him as he gently pushed himself up into a sitting position.

She stirred quietly, her eyebrows pulling together.


Her brown eyes slowly squinted open at the sound of his voice, her hands reaching up to rub them gently before balling into tiny fists as she stretched her petite body. "Are you okay?" she croaked timidly, pushing herself up as her eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong?"

"You're here."

Shit, that's not what he meant.

The features on her face visibly fell at his words, making him want to kick himself, as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh, yeah, you don't do this kind of thing. I'm sorry, you asked me to stay last night but I should've left after you fell asleep-"

"No, no," he grumbled, sighing heavily at his stupidity, as he reached up to take her hand that was still rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I-I mean, you stayed. I didn't think you would stay."

"You asked me to."

The words left her lips like they were natural, instinct. There was no hesitation behind them, no doubt. It was more comforting to hear than it was to have her own arms wrapped around him.

Unthinkingly, he leaned towards her, his mouth parted with the full intent to place his lips on top of hers - only to be cut short by Honey clamping both of her hands over her mouth, her dark eyes widening anxiously as she sent him an apologetic look.

"Morning breath," she mumbled against the skin of her palm.

"Shut up," Steve chuckled breathlessly, tugging at her forearms to release her vice over her mouth, as his lips collided with hers. Her arms immediately fell limply into her lap as his lips moved over hers with fervency, his hands grasping her cheeks to cradle her head as he kissed her.

Like the good girl that she always was, her lips parted for him, allowing his tongue entrance into the heat of her mouth. He sucked up every last breath that slipped from her, inhaling her scent, as his lips roughly maneuvered on top of hers. As a breathy sigh quietly left her, he began to nibble over her lips, leaving soft kisses before he wasn't able to stop.

"W-what was that for?"

"I was an ass," he admitted.

"Hmm, you were," she agreed, pursing her rosy lips. "A pretty big one. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm going to need some more of this apologizing before I forgive you."

A smirk crept onto his lips as he stared down at her taunting eyes, his hands still cradling her face, as he flicked his tongue across his bottom lip. "Hmm," he hummed lowly, bringing his mouth down onto her clenched jaw as he trailed small kisses across it. "Like this?"

"Close," she breathed, letting her eyes flutter closed as she titled her head sideways to provide him with more room.

Letting his beard tickle down the skin of her neck as he moved lower, he smiled slightly as he felt her shudder underneath his touch. Pressing his lips into the crook of her neck, he mumbled, "And this?"

"You're getting warmer," she whispered shakily.

Dropping one of his hands, he caressed the skin of her inner thigh with his fingers, his lips pecking up her neck until he enclosed them around her earlobe. He watched intensely as her mouth dropped open, the corners lifting with satisfaction as he let her lobe pop from his lips. "And if I were to bend you over this couch and make you take my cock, hmm? What about then?"

A strangled moan left her swollen lips as her legs clammed shut around his fingers.

So responsive.

"But it'll have to wait," he sighed playfully, removing his lips from her goosebump-covered neck. "I have some business to attend to today."

Honey snapped her head up at his disappointing words, her lips still parted, as her brown eyes scrutinized him in an attempt to see if he was joking. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, a tiny huff slipped from her mouth once she realized that he was teasing her.

"How convenient."

"Mmm," he agreed, unable to hide the grin that was plastered on his face as he watched her pout like a small child. "Consider it something to look forward to."

It was oddly pleasing to watch Honey get so visibly irritated over him not being able to touch her the way that they both wanted him to. It made his pride swell to know that she wanted him that badly, reacted the way that she did when he had whispered those words in her ear.

Brushing her messy waves over her shoulder, Honey smoothed out her black skirt as her pout deepened, her shoulders sagging in defeat as she remained quiet.

Taking his pointer finger, he placed it underneath her chin as he titled her head up, forcing her brown eyes to meet his blue ones.

"Don't worry, Daniels, I promise to make it worth your while."

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