35 | Let The Sunlight Back In

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DAY 123

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DAY 123

Honey Daniels had thought about showing up at Steve Rogers' apartment every single day for the last two weeks.

She practically had to restrain herself from doing it, she was tempted to buy a pair of handcuffs and lock herself to her bed post if the thoughts didn't go away. The only thing keeping her at bay was the fact that she wanted him to come to her. She wanted him to realize what he had done wrong, wanted him to come bursting through the door apologizing to her. In a perfect world, that is what would happen, but this world had proved that it was far from the definition. 

Was that wishful thinking?

Sighing, Honey jutted her fingers into the steaming shower water, testing the temperature as she shook the thoughts from her mind once more. Banging on her apartment door tore her attention away from the fogged up shower, faintly louder than the water streaming into the tub. 

Her stomach churned at the thought of Nat showing up at her apartment again - she just didn't have the energy or mental comprehension to deal with anymore information about Steve.

Especially not with the way she was having an all out war against her thoughts already as it is.

But when she approached her front door and swung it open with a fake enthusiasm for whoever was on the other side, her heart felt as though it was dropping all the way down to her butt when her brown eyes laid on Steve's blue ones. He examined her thoroughly, his eyes taking in every inch of her being as he rubbed his hands together in an anxious fashion.  His dirty blonde hair wasn't slicked back as she was usually used to, but instead it fell around his face, some pushed back behind his ears. The beard she had missed so much had grown back in its entirety. 

Her soul felt like it was oozing into a pile of mush at her feet.

"Steve," Honey piped out frailly, her fingers slipping from their grip on the door handle as they fell to her side limply.

She wanted to wrap her arms around him, squeeze him tightly until she couldn't squeeze anymore, feel his hair in between her fingers. 

"Please don't tell me to leave," he pleaded quietly, swallowing the lump in his throat. 

"I-I wasn't, I wouldn't-"

"Honey, I'm sorry," he interrupted her, stepping forwards as he placed his broad hand against the door to widen it as he walked inside, his face merely inches away from her own. "I'm a fucking idiot, I'm sorry."

The air in her lungs felt as though it was evaporating with every inch that disappeared between the two of them, her hands shaking nervously as she peered up at him through her lashes, unable to keep her eyes from observing his full lips and chiseled jawline. 

She missed him.

"Steve, it's-"

His hands suddenly grasped the sides of her face, his fingers molding through her dark waves as he brushed the hair from her cheeks, pulling her closer as they trailed down to her neck. The movement sending butterflies through her tummy and leaving her rather speechless.

"I'll do whatever you ask me to do, I'll be whatever you need me to be," Steve whined gruffly, walking them forwards as he held her face, kicking the apartment door closed behind them with his foot. "Tell me what you want me to do, please."

Honey could hardly believe what she was hearing, for a few seconds, she even believed it could have been one of her vivid dreams. Her lips parted in awe as she stared gawkingly up at him, completely enthralled by the way his eyes begged her without saying a word. 

Her leaving had affected him. 

And in the way that she had hoped for, but never believed would actually happen.

"You're already doing it," she croaked out gently. "You're here." 

She watched as he inhaled shakily, his shoulders rising and falling raggedly, before he pulled her petite body upwards with his hands - brushing his lips against hers hesitantly. His blue eyes closed as his eyebrows knitted together timidly, breathing her in for a few moments before pressing his lips to hers.

This kiss was brand new, something she had never felt or experienced before when it came to Steve Rogers. His lips were soft, warm, against her own, as they tenderly moved against her mouth as if she would break at any harsh movement. His fingers tangled in her hair as he pulled her body closer to him, drinking her in. The butterflies felt like a monsoon inside of her body now as she practically melted into him. 

His hands were needy, his lips were needy.

This was the first time that she felt truly wanted by him.

"Mmm," he hummed, pecking her lips once more before he pulled away slowly. "What else? What do you need? We can talk, we can talk about anything you want, ask me anything you want. I don't know how to explain how I feel about you, but fuck Honey, I'll try-"

She reached up on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders as she shushed him with another soft peck on the lips. And another. And another. Each time she was absorbed into his transfixed stare, pulling her back in to press her lips against his once more. Like she couldn't get enough, like it was a dream that she was afraid she was going to wake up from.

"Shower with me," Honey finally murmured, pressing her lips to his cheek and letting them linger there as she mumbled against his skin. "I just want to be close to you."

"Anything," he whispered, leaning into her touch. "Anything you want, and it's yours."

The words sent the butterflies soaring into her chest, filling her lungs and her heart cavity with flutters of something she couldn't quite put her finger on. The night had quickly taken a turn in the direction that she had wished for, for the longest time. Here he was, being the man that she always hoped he could be, fawning over her in a way that put her entire soul at ease. 

"And then stay with me, in my bed, all night," she added gingerly, putting her cheek on his shoulder as she stood there, hugging him with her arms wrapped around his body tightly. "Think you could do that?"

"I will do that." 

"Thank you," she squeaked, happy tears filling up the corners of her eyes as she embraced him. 

"I need you, Honey Daniels," he mumbled into her hair, his arms enveloped around her waist. "I'm sorry for ever making you feel like I didn't."


Remember that whole thing about falling in love with Steve Rogers? Mark that out, scratch it out, she was deeply, maddeningly, and hopelessly in love with Steve Rogers. 

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