6 | Hungover Conversations

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DAY 14

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DAY 14

Honey observed her appearance in the full-length mirror by her walk-in closet, pleased with the way her dark hair parted perfectly down the middle today, cascading down her white button-up  that was tucked into her black mini-skirt.

Her round, brown eyes appeared more pronounced with the layer of mascara she had applied to her long lashes, and she had even slapped on a small coat of a pale, pink lipstick.

She had fully expected to be left with another sticky note this morning, so when Honey exited her bedroom to see a shirtless Steve sprawled out on the couch, her heart started having considerably concerning palpitations.

For a few moments, she couldn't tear her eyes away from his muscular chest, each outline and crevice so defined that he could've easily passed for a Greek God. His long hair was scattered around his sleeping features, his full lips smushed together as his face lay pressed against one of the accent pillows on the couch. 

It was the most peaceful Honey had ever seen him.

The tranquil bliss was too soon interrupted as he began to stir softly, his once calm face now construed into a grimace as his eyes squinted open, blinking rapidly as they adjusted to the sunlight peeking through the windows. 

"Good morning," Honey greeted buoyantly, speed-walking into the kitchen before he could notice her drooling over him. "I didn't expect you to still be here."

"It's seven o'clock in the morning," he groaned, shoving his face back into the pillow.

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asked timidly. "Eating a greasy breakfast usually helps my hangovers." 

"What are you up so God damn early for?"

"I have to go to campus in an hour," Honey explained, standing behind the marble island as she watched him sit up with another groan.

Like a scene from a movie, just without the music, Steve stood up from the couch as he stretched - his toned muscles flexing in his stomach as he did so. As his arms came back down, one hand slicked his hair back while the other rubbed at his sleepy eyes.

Honey nonchalantly wiped her chin to make sure that saliva wasn't dripping down from her slightly open mouth.

"I should go," he grumbled, mostly to himself, as he searched around for his pullover.

"You're not hungry?"

Good save, Honey.

"This whole thing is already fucked up as it is," he paused to pull the blue crew-neck over his head. "I don't need you reading into it any more than you already have."

Honey blinked ploddingly as his harsh words sunk in - he regretted ever coming here last night. 

"Are you referring to last night?" she asked in a small voice, playing with the hem of her skirt anxiously as she waited for his response.

Steve glanced up at her, his blue eyes trailing down her face towards her skirt and back up in a split second, but she had caught it. His eyebrows knitted together in annoyance as he said, "Let's forget it ever happened."

Let's forget it ever happened. 

Honey was never one to get a temper, it took a lot to even make her mad at all. Her dad used to say that she wouldn't even hurt a fly. But the longer Rogers' emotionless words soaked into her mind, the more her blood boiled beneath her skin. She'd been more than nice and helped him on multiple occasions now, and this is what she got in return for it? 

"Would it kill you to be friendly at all?" she snapped indignantly, walking towards the table to shove her books and laptop into her book bag.

"You're young," Steve replied in a casual tone. "I wouldn't expect you to understand the problems that adults have to deal with. Not everyone has such a lucky life." 

Honey's head snapped up in utter disbelief as her jaw dropped in astonishment. Nodding her head slowly, almost sarcastically, she coolly pulled her book bag over her shoulder before walking directly up to Steve, not stopping until their noses were practically touching.

The one thing Honey refused to tolerate was someone assuming anything about her life. She was lucky, she was alive. Her mom, her dad, and her little brother weren't so lucky. Nothing about her life now was magical, or stress-free, not with the endless amounts of debt she was now in, the upkeep with her college grades, or the constant feeling of missing her family. She damn-well deserved to live her life the way that she wanted, because she had fought through the grief, the depression, the heartbreak of losing her family. 

She earned this happiness she walked around with.

"I'm not a child," Honey spoke coldly, her eyes never wavering from his. "And you don't know a damn thing about my life, you pretentious ass-hat. Get out." 

Her newfound confidence seemed to have rattled Steve quite a bit, his mouth opening and closing dumbfoundedly a few times as he gawked down at her in surprise. As he finally mustered up the words to speak, Honey intentionally cut him off as she pointed angrily towards the door.

"I said get out."

His lips formed into a thin line as he looked down for a moment, sucking in a deep breath as he wandered around her tiny figure, his hand hesitating on the front door handle as he glanced back at her briefly - his blue eyes searching hers for a fraction of a second.

Even though it seemed as if he wanted to say something, whatever he noticed in her brown eyes must have changed his mind. Instead, he opened the door and disappeared from her apartment without another word or glance.

As soon as the door shut behind him, Honey couldn't hold back the flood gates from bursting, ruining the make up she had been so pleased with just ten minutes earlier. 

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