The way they are

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If it came up to him to sum her up in one word, he'd say that she was an idiot. But if you gave him the job of explaining only her to you, he'd say that he couldn't do it. She was so unique, he'd say that even an infinite number of words couldn't explain her to anyone. 

An idiot, who managed to do everything and manage both her demanding husband and the bossy grandmother-in-law she also lovingly called Ajji. She was a beauty beyond the world's recognition, a pure soul that was stuck behind in those huge palace doors. An angel who didn't know why she was on the Earth. A simple girl whose heart beat for rain. A complicated girl whom no one could understand. A poor girl who was treated like a maid in a society that thought that the treatment she received was normal. A rebel when it came to the one she loved because she didn't actually love the man she called husband. A lucky woman when it came to her open-minded husband because she knew that he let her study against everyone else's wishes. A kind friend, elder sister-in-law, and a pet lover. Often you would find her helping out a few birds, bunnies, or even deer. A lost girl, who didn't know how to voice her thoughts in the dominating society and most importantly, a small wife. One who managed to get scolded every day through eyes alone... 

She was only 12 and she had many more things to explain to her but no one could ever sum it up in one word other than an idiot. Just like she was an idiot for dancing in the rain. She was currently doing exactly that...

Dancing in the rain with a few other friends as a huge peacock danced right in front of her. She was laughing because the dance-off was much more fun than studying in a corner or even cooking in front of hot stoves. 

" PARI!" one of the older aunts shouted and she turned around to face the palace. There she saw the cute 6 year old small girl who was looking at her with wonder. The girl's maids were looking at her with frowns because she always aggravated the situation but that is not where her eyes stopped. She moved her eyes a little upwards, just to see that man of hers who always looked at her dance in the rain, no matter what. Whether he was in an important discovery, whether he was fighting in the battleground or whether he was somewhere else. He always managed to get into that one room with white curtains and looked at her dance while smiling all the while. It was one thing he enjoyed at that point... 

And there he was, like always, smiling at her dance and when she gave an even bigger smile to him, he just pulled the curtain in front of him and walked away. Like always, cold-hearted. 

If it came up to her to sum him up in one word, she would either go for bossy or an asshole. Too much work, she called him. " Pari," his go-to word. It was like a chant and if she came to him even a minute late, he would hit her with some or the other book he always had in his hands. But if you asked her to explain him to you, she'd say, he's different. When she would finally get into the depths of thinking about him, she'd understand and tell you, he's weird yet kind. But for now, she was very much immature to think about him that way. He on the other hand was pretty mature for a kid his age...

A bossy asshole who made life hard for her. He had fixed her a timetable for every day. She needed to be by his side in the morning at 5 sharp, study Sanskrit shlokas for one hour and then, go ahead and help prepare breakfast. By 12, he wanted her in the battleground, ready with fighting gear and a sword. He needed, wanted, and forced her to learn combat which she had begun picking up only now. Then, he would want her to serve him food on her own, personal account and when it came to her eating lunch, he wanted to find her eating next to him as he studied science in his room in the evening. When all that was done, he'd let her go and play with the other kids. Only rainy days were exceptions because, for no apparent reason, he loved looking at her when he shouldn't be looking at all.  
He was also a very mature and wise boy, beyond his years of life. A knowledgeable kid who had read and understood all the books in the royal library. A brave warrior who was the best swordsman and horseback rider in the entire palace. He had managed to even defeat the warrior chief of his father in combat at the young age of 12. But beyond all that, he was a man who loved his wife too much, only did not know how to express the love... 

" Rajkumar was there," her friends laughed as she walked back to her chamber while blushing. She was dripping water and it was still raining outside but that was enough dance for one day. And she was really happy, she got to see him smile too. So, she just like always quietly walked over to her room and changed. But the moment she got out of her room, that one word roared through the entire palace. 

" Pari," He seemed angry...

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