Big talk

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" Change? Ha? You'll change this place now huh? THIS PLACE THAT HAS BEEN RUN FOR OVER 50 YEARS BY ME?! THIS PLACE THAT NEVER SEEMS TO CHANGE?! How will you do that ha!? Let's start with that," Yes, the women around saw it as a taunt and only laughed it out but that old woman and that young woman were communicating something through their eyes. Something that the others didn't understand. So, as she pulled the little girl closer to her she didn't lose face or her confidence. She was still standing strong among a hundred dirty women. Still reeking of pureness and determination to avenge herself. 

" I will make an army,"
" What army re? We women here can only eat in the morning and sleep in the night well," a peal of laughter was heard in those huge walls as a certain male made his way into that dirty palace. But none of that bothered the young woman.
" An army of women who want to fight for their self respect more than selling themselves for some dimes-"
" AYE!" her statement angered the old woman very much because there was much more truth behind their lives than just the fact that they sold their pride every night. So, she pointed out at the bold princess in anger as the small girl hid behind her in fear of Badi ma
" You can do much better things than this. All of you!"
" What better things!? Ek toh, we can't read or write. What the hell are we supposed to do then. HUh!?" 
" Besides, who will give us work?!" women asked her as she kept feeling the glare of that one woman but she didn't back down yet. She only took a deep breath and decided to stay strong 
" You can do anything you like. This isn't the palace that you have to confine yourself in it. It isn't your fault someone threw you here and if you are sore, then take revenge. Not sit here and just let that woman's plans succeed!" she meant it for one woman and one woman only. Whatever she just said, it was meant to be understood by only one woman but it struck everyone there because most of those women there, were there because of the same woman she was talking about. 
" Who will help us take revenge. HA?! YOU!? SHE SLAPPED YOU OUT, OF HER LIFE LIKE YOU WERE A FLY!" for a moment, there was silence. Absolute silence as a particular man took his cap off and just looked at the matter ensue from behind. 

He could see her back and the way she was holding the little girl and honestly, in his entire life it was the first time that he had seen such a scene. Was he the prince? No. No, he wasn't. I wouldn't want to raise your hopes by telling you false lies about how the prince was trying to come to that place to free his wife but that man was no less than a messiah in her story. He was an important factor she was still remembered and one chapter that could never be removed from her life. No matter if it was right or wrong. He was there that day, to witness her confidence. And he could feel her boldness even if all he could see were her long hair and back. 

The way she stood among a hundred women and the way she spoke. She was no ordinary person and she couldn't be one. That man had understood it that very day. 

" I WILL SQUASH HER LIKE A MOSQUITO THEN. WHAT CAN I DO?! If I want, I can get out of this place and kill her with my bare hands. I can tear her brain apart with my nails and now, I even feel the need to shower in her blood but you know why I wouldn't do any of that?" the way she spoke. It moved the entire place. It scared the women and even that man. The sheer anger and hatred in her voice made him fear a woman he hadn't even seen the face of. 
" Right. Tear her brain apart. Like you can even-" but before that woman's sentence ended, a sharp hairpin hung by the neck of the woman who had dragged the little girl out of her safe zone. A small, sharp pin that was going in just in front of her air pipe, inch by inch, letting the blood out. 
" I killed Balram because Sohit told me to. I killed his son because Sohit told me to. This time, I WILL KILL THAT WOMAN BECAUSE I TOLD MYSELF SO!" she didn't kill her. Only pushed her away as it started lighting heavily outside, " He taught me how to read, write. Fight and kill. This time. MY HANDS WILL SLAY HER THROAT AND YOU ALL WILL WATCH HOW I DO IT!!! The world forgot why I married him so let me remind you. I WAS MARRIED OFF TO HIM BECAUSE I AM THE WOMAN WHO WILL BRING CHANGE TO THIS PLACE AND THAT, I WILL DO. NO MATTER IF I HAVE TO KILL YOU OR HIM. Change will come. I swear," the simplistic way in which she put the bloody hairpin back into her hair like it wasn't anything gave the man goosebumps. In fact, it gave everyone goosebumps because it was supposed to be 12 but outside, a huge storm was brewing that was blocking all light. 

" I will teach you. How to read, write, fight and do something other than just give yourself away for someone else's fun. If you want to learn, I'll be in my room. Otherwise, you can keep staying in this place all you want like a rat in it's hole. But I won't rest till I get her on my hands... It's my promise to myself. AND I AM A PRINCESS. Not because I married that man. BECAUSE I TELL YOU SO. Now, you think. You want revenge or want to be the coward you have been for life by staying back here. Understood? Badi ma," small mouth but big talk. She sure knew how to shake up a crowd. More so she had learned from her husband about politics. Be confident, loud, and sure about what you say. She had seen and memorized it all and now, she probably was almost a shadow of how he was in his father's court. Strong, loud, and clear. 

But it didn't matter because he wasn't on her mind or anywhere close to what she was thinking. All that mattered now was her revenge... Like she had become some blood thirsty vampire. A mortal corpse who had only one goal. Because her heart was long back broken. It had been cracking since he said yes to his second marriage and now that it finally broke down, she found her voice. 

Maybe, his betrayal wasn't all that bad after all. Because now, she didn't care about him. She wasn't like any of them. She only ever cared about herself. Her own self. And was that even a bad thing? I don't think so...

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