The holiday

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" Sohit. Wake up. It's past 6!" she was shaking her husband who only had a smug smile over his face. Somehow, he had really begun to love troubling her 
" Pch! Sohit! You'll be late to work!!" he had never acted like that in front of her. No. Her husband was a punctual guy who was obsessed with having everything done at the perfect time. He did not like delays at all and him acting lazy was really creeping her out. It was scary for her. What if someone swapped her husband?! What if this one was just his look alike?? What if he was dead!? She was scared. 
" Sohit? Are you ok? Are you even alive!? Say something! Please. I'm freaking out!" this time, she decided to sit over his stomach and continue shaking him. Somehow, she just thought that it would make him wake up and it did because the moment he felt her weight over his stomach, he groaned in pain and opened his eyes, making her even more scared
" Are you ok? What happened?"
" You are heavy," was the only thing that came out of his mouth, and in return for those lovely words, he received a hard smack on his chest by his wife
" You scared me!" she shouted at him and he only chuckled as he moved his hands and grabbed her tiny waist 
" Don't laugh! It's not funny! Sohit!" she hit him once again making him sit up this time and because she was sitting over his stomach, she got toppled under him 
" But it is," he dove down and kept a hand in her long, braided her and she gulped in fear at the closeness 
" You have to go to work. Sohit! What are you doing!?" she tried to get him off her but he wasn't ready to leave his wife that early 
" I have a holiday today for Makar Sankranti..."
" Huh? What is that?" the princess was confused. A holiday? She didn't know what a holiday meant at all because there were no holidays in the palace. But looking at her husband's smiling face, she could guess that it was something good 
" A holiday is a day when I don't have to go to do any work," 
" Really?" her eyes began sparkling this time and that made him chuckle softly 
" Yes. I'll be at home all day long so-"
" No! Wait! I want to go out!" he was about to give her a kiss when she shouted that and it made him frown 
" What do mean by that?! Your husband is trying to-"
" Shh! Suha told me that she was going out to a fair today with Pranav... If you are free, take me with you na,"
" No. I think I'd rather-"
" I'll go with Devar ji if you don't take me. I'm reminding you,"
" Pch," she really knew how to make him do what she wanted him to do. She also knew very well that her husband got jealous every single time that she was with his brother for no apparent reason. This was by far the best way of getting him to agree with her and it worked because that very afternoon, after lunch, she was smiling and talking to her best friend while her husband held her hand and they all walked out of the house maybe for the first time since she came to that place. In the palace, if any festival came around, she'd have to prepare for it day and night but outside, she could enjoy herself and relax. 

" Bringing me here was the only good thing he did," Pari giggled as Pranav's face turn offended but soon enough, Sohit chuckled along 
" Can't you talk something good about your husband?!"
" No. I can't. Deal with it," Suhani just snapped at him 
" Pch," but rather than listening to them bickering all the while, Sohit had better plans in his mind. Slowly, he pulled his wife away from those two and to a different corner of the busy street.

" Where are you taking me? Suha is there," 
" We can go around without her too. I know this way," she was confused but within a second, after she saw a Golgappa stall, all her confusion went away. Rather, she got excited, intrigued, and curious once again because the smell coming from that stall was really enticing her. 
" I want that!" and just like that, he didn't have an option left. Every other thing on the street intrigued her but those golgappas were in another league itself. She spent half of his money at that stall, eating for over an hour. He didn't get her love for that dish though. Maybe it was her pregnancy craving but he did not understand what that dish made her feel like because it was just pure bliss for her. Hardly he managed to get her away from the golgappa stand after the longest time. 

" Pch. I could have eaten one more dish!" 
" It's bad for your health! Pari! You are pregnant. Take care of your health, will you?" he frowned and she pouted and they stayed in that sour mood till she saw some other stall and asked if he could play some game to win a gift for her. Obviously, his aim was perfect and obviously, he won the wooden toy for her. That made her day. 

" Happy?"
" Yes! See. Now our baby will play with this also," she held the wooden horse close to herself 
" Hmm... But I want a daughter," 
" Who is as cute as me na...?! Yes. I want a baby girl too," 
" And she should be as sharp as me..." 
" And as sweet and beautiful as me," she smiled at him and he smiled back as they dreamed of having their little family 
" And her name will be," he raised his eyebrows
" Soha," they said in unison and a smile of understanding surrounded the couple as they felt closer to each other than ever. 

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