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She wasn't good at goodbyes. Not after she stayed in that one place for 2 entire months and met her real, blood parents. Not after she met her best friend there and especially not when her younger brother was such a comic character. So, she found it hard in leaving them or even thinking about going back but that day, as she clutched that one wooden toy that her husband won for her and a dark ghunghat remained over her head, she could help but cry softly under it as she hugged her best friend for one last time. Honestly, the princess didn't know when she would meet those guys next. She knew the city they lived in and she knew the place they had their house in but, her heart didn't want to go away. Over the time span of 2 months, she really had grown closer to everyone except her younger sister. Even her father had shown her his weak side one fine day and cried to her. And now, she didn't want to leave. There was a strong connection between her and those people now and that connection made her want to stay back all her life.

It was such a peaceful, happy household. There were no strict rules. No murders of baby girls. No plots and no threats on lives. That place was like heaven where she only got closer with her husband. But now that she left, she couldn't help but feel a little more than just sad about leaving. When would she meet them again? She didn't know. All she knew was that she would miss them a lot.

" Write me letters. Bhabhi,"
" I will. And take care of yourself,"
" You too,"

His hand was over her shoulder as he dragged her away from her maternal family because he knew that if he let her be, she would never go back with him to that place. The palace. It was beautiful to the eye to look at. Not beautiful for the soul to stay in. That place was creeping and crawling with so many different plots that now awaited the prince and his first wife. He himself didn't wish to go back but, he had a duty towards his people. He had a dream to overthrow his grandmother and he had a goal to achieve in his life. For that, he needed to be in the palace with his wife. For that, he needed to make his own plot against the old woman work.

Let's be honest, no one in the palace was as innocent as they seemed. Everyone had something or the other going on in their minds and everyone was in the pool of greed. In them, were the people who just wanted to bring good change for everyone and then there were ones who just wanted to be in control. There were ones who didn't care and ones who wanted all the attention but everyone was twisted in their own ways. Even the princess. She wasn't some innocent little girl any more.

Now, even she had a goal in her life. She was pregnant and she wanted her baby to be safe. Her goal now was to be something that even her baby could look upon. What was not something? She didn't know yet. But her husband's wish was her command and his wish for her to be something by her own courage was something that she wanted to achieve now. All she'd have to do though was wait and try to figure out what it she needed to achieve in her life...

But for the time being, as she walked into the palace with her husband, father-in-law and brother-in-law, she knew that she had a duty to fulfill before starting her own fight to freedom. She had the duty of a daughter, a wife, the daughter-in-law, a princess and most importantly, now a mother that she needed to fulfill. She couldn't rest anymore because she knew that if she and her husband wanted their dream baby, there would be many against them. Many who would want to harm the baby, beginning with the woman who was doing their Aarti.

Sohit was especially annoyed to find her there. He was angered, and was glaring her down because he remembered very well. His instructions told that woman to leave for her "maika" before he came back from the trip. But then again, there she was, still very much pregnant and smiling at him. As if she didn't know how bad he could be when he got angry...

And he did want to ask her. " What the hell are you still doing here?! I asked you to leave!" But there were just so many people around them. Their entire family, the maids and servants. Everyone was around them and if he were to say that, he would have to explain why he was asking her to leave and trust me, he didn't want to get that child killed. Why? Because the child was innocent. She might have been at wrong but her child was not to blame. It was her mistake and shortcomings to be a good wife that brought all that upon her. But he couldn't blame the child for it.

He was human enough to know that much...

" I'm tired. I'm going to rest," but he couldn't even see her in front of his face, smiling anymore. So, he just rolled his eyes and walked past everyone, leaving his first wife a little shocked.

" Ma..." but soon enough, she too got over her shock and just focused on someone much more important. So, she held her mother's hand and the old woman only smiled softly at her and shook her head. Somewhere, the old woman was glad for her daughter-in-law. Somewhere, she was happy the daughter she fed her milk to, raised herself and gave her love to got to finally meet her real mother. She knew how much Pari's real mother had tried to be with her at birth. She knew exactly how much that old woman must have been hurting to be separated with her daughter because, she herself was separated by her own daughter after her marriage.

But then again, that old woman now has this beautiful girl as her daughter and she wanted to cherish each and every moment that was yet to come.

" You must be tired. Come. I'll take you to your chambers,

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