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" Prince... You haven't been in your chamber for days now. I'll take care of Jiji. You needn't worry," he chuckled with his son in his arms as he stared at the open window by the big bed on which his wife was sleeping peacefully. How long would he have to wait for her to wake up, he didn't know. 
" And you think I will trust you with Pari or my son? How dumb are you?" All he knew was that he was going to wait. As he stared at his second wife with a sarcastic smile, all he knew was that he had to wait. For her to wake up. For him to be able to really meet his love. For her to tell him everything. 
" I know that I breached your trust once but... I swear on my life that I will take care of Jiji like my sister. And Pratik like my own son-"
" Don't," he pulled his son towards himself when he saw her walk towards him. Her eyebrows arched, he could guess that she was really trying to mend things with him. But he was done. He was done trusting people because all he ever got from them was a betrayal. He was done trying to trust her because he knew that he never could. 
" Touch my son. He is and will never be your son. You think I don't remember where your dead child came from?" squinted his eyes, " You think I forgot everything!?" snapped at her and she flinched in fear. She had never seen him lose his stature. Yes, he had once screamed at her but, she knew that it was coming. This time around though, she could never guess why he was so easily losing his cool. 
" Prince-"
" You... You deserved to go there. Not my Pari," he spat his thoughts over her. Venomous tone and vexed eyes. He seemed nothing like she had ever seen. He hadn't even been that angry when he confronted her about her child. But this time around, she got the feeling that he wanted to kill her. And was he just speaking his mind? Where did this change come from? 
" Listen," he walked towards her and stood in front of her, staring down at her small body with irate eyes, " IF you try anything. And I mean ANYTHING. I swear. I will not spare you," his son began crying in the midst of all the anger and disturbance. 

Ever since that night, the little baby hadn't once been able to be held by his mother. He wasn't once fed properly because he always craved for his mother whenever the daima came around. He had been cranky and only remained quiet in his father's arms. But at that moment, even after being in his father's supportive and caring grace, he couldn't help but cry for his mother who was slowly gaining consciousness now. 

" Hmm?" immediately all heads turned towards the bed, " Pra..." the name they had decided to give their son, it almost touched her lips as she frowned and shifted softly in her place and her husband completely forgot about all the anger in his heart. He immediately moved towards her and sat next to her 
" Pari?" softly, he held her cheek and saw her eyes flutter open. For the first time in months, he saw her gorgeous blue eyes and she saw his green ones. Their son still crying in the background but at that moment, it just seemed like it was just the both of them in that place 
" S-sohi..." her eyes filled with tears as held his hand strongly. Her eyes began watering as she gained consciousness and immediately he let a soft smile touch his lips. There was nothing more he wanted in his life than to hold her close to himself... Nothing more. 
" Jiji! You woke up! Doctor! Daima! Rani ma-"
" Leave!" for a second, he looked away from her face and immediately glared at his second wife, " Leave us alone. And if anyone comes in the room till I call them in, I swear you will face the consequences," he shushed her away as the love of his life burst out crying. 

" Sohit," she was calling him by his first name and his other, very hurt wife heard it very well before she left the room. How dare she call him by his first name? But she couldn't even say anything because Sohit was fine with it. 
" How... How were you?" she just pulled him into a tight hug. Without saying anything, she just pulled him in and wrapped her arms around his waist as she began weeping over his sherwani 
" I missed you so much. WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG!? DO YOU KNOW HOW I WAS THERE?! I... I WAS MISERABLE! Why did you never come to meet me!? AND WHY DID YOU NOT SEND ANY MORE LETTERS!?"
" You asked me to not send you any letters till I could manage to get you back..."
" SO?!?!? I'LL SAY AND YOU'LL LISTEN!? HOW DARE YOU!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW LONELY I WAS?! YOU!" she hit his chest, " You're bad. You let me go there... I. I don't want to talk to you," went back on the bed and looked away from him 
" Pari..."
" No," she pushed his hand away, the one that had tried to reach out to her 
" Pari, please... I... I was miserable without you too," he had never thought that he would be crying, ever. But there he was, crying unmanly in front of his wife as he begged for her forgiveness. There he was, breaking through all his false facade and showing his true, vulnerable self to her. Breaking down as his son still cried in the side. The father-son... Seemed to have a bonding session over crying that day as they both cried for the same person... Pari. 
" I couldn't live with myself. For times I thought that better than living without you was to give up and die-"
" Sohit!" she kept a hand over his mouth and glared at him before getting up on the bed. Then she gave him one tight slap whose noise echoed throughout the entire palace before she hugged him 

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