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" Pranav..." there was a child in her arms. A small child who was sleeping rather peacefully. No one saw her face because she had once covered it with her ghunghat. They could see her thin arms though. The almost powerless arms that were somehow managing to hold her child's weight as she fought with her own fatigue and sore body. She couldn't fall asleep right now... It could presumably be fatal, not only to her but also to the child that she was carrying in her hands.

For months, all she had with her was that child. She could talk to it freely to it, whenever she was left alone and honestly, it didn't feel completely lonely to her just because she knew that she did have someone... A child...

For years, her immature mind had wanted to have a child. A son who could be the next heir of the kingdom and also help raise her social standard as well as a daughter whom she could dress up. But it was all for superficial things like prestige and recognition.
It was only now that as she for the first time in her life handled a small little life in her hands that she understood what it really was to be a mother. Motherhood was not a forced area she could be forced into. It wasn't something someone should do just for the sake of " What will people say?" And it definitely wasn't to please a particular old woman.
It was a feeling... Of having something close to your heart. Of being able to love someone unconditionally. Of wanting to give a tiny life who couldn't even open his eyes, everything in the world. It brought joy and it brought determination. Something had changed inside her that day... Something that deeply impacted her mind, how she perceived things and how she would deal with situations. Emotionally and mentally, she seemed mature...

Wanted to give her child the world.
She wanted to save him no matter what the consequences...

" Di... Are you ok?" He was worried for her. Just a few moments ago, he had heard her scream her husband's name as loudly as her sound could reach, and now, he saw her walk towards him. Was still covered in sweat and he didn't know how she could still walk with a baby in her hands, that too right after she gave birth but, that was the only way out for her.

" No! Please! Don't hurt my son! I'll do anything! Please! I beg you! My son is innocent! If... If you want, I'll even ask Sohit to give up the throne to Vijay. But please. Don't harm my son!" Closed her eyes as she striking recalled that day's incidents.
Didn't have the strength to fight so, she had begged them with her life. Fallen on the old woman's feet and begged her earnestly to let her son go. Did everything she could in her power to save him.
" Hmm... See. Came on the line, didn't she? I told you... Don't ride your high horse too long. Now look... You've brought harm upon your son yourself-"
" WHAT DO YOU WANT! I'LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING! Just, please... Don't hurt my son!" Her voice was sore now. Firstly, she had screamed in pain, and then, she had begged for what seemed like painful hours. Begged through each part of her body to let him go. To at least let him live... If not her, at least her son needed to get out of that place...

" I want...." and she had listened. Her eyes widened in shock as she listened to that woman's bargain. Her ears turned red and her face paled. Her hands started shivering as she looked up at that woman in utter horror.

(I know you want to know what Badi ma said to her but... I'm gonna keep that one a secret for a little while. You'll find out in the upcoming chapters ^-^)

" Tell me. Will you do that in return for your son's life? Dear... Princess?" She held her chin high and stared right into her soul with greed in her eyes. A little child still crying as he was being held hostage in one of her arms and the mother of the child just staring at her in utter shock.
" Or. Not... Your brother is here to pick you up and take you to the palace. Now, it's your decision. Will your son go with you or will you go there, alone?" She had no options. Couldn't leave a part of her, a part of her love and her literal life behind. They'd kill him... In front of her eyes in fact. And she couldn't dare to see that happen.

So, she agreed. Reluctantly, agreed and was handed the child that immediately silenced its cries after coming in her arms. He got to sleep in her arms, comfortably as she fought with her conscience about what she had just agreed to...

" Remember your promise princess..." words were in her head as she pulled the ghunghat over her head to hide her shameful eyes. She could no longer face any of them. Not after what she had bargained...

" Yes, I'm fine," she replied in a rather cold voice to her brother. Couldn't let him know that something was wrong because no matter how many guards he brought there, he would always be easily outnumbered by the women in that place who knew how to fight.
" Di... The prince sent me to get you back-"
" I know," her voice was breaking. He had finally managed to do what he had promised and now, she was tied by her own words.
" I'll come with you," was what she had been willing to say for the past 6 months. That she was willing to get out of that place for good, whenever possible.
" But..." pursed her lips as she knew that what she said next was going to disrupt everything in her life.

" If I go... Vijay has to come with me. To the palace... Otherwise, I won't come," closed her eyes in shame and held onto her son a little harder. She was deflowered but only by her husband. Yet, she knew that the words she said had an impact...
" Di... You can't possibly want that man," he looked at the man with the smug smile over his face in disgust, " to be even near you!"
" I said what I said Pranav. Now, it's the prince's decision. If he really wants me back, he'll allow Vijay to be there too," it broke her heart to say all that but, what hadn't? In the past few months, everything had slowly broken her heart into shambles.

Yet, she was doing it. Keeping her side of the bargain, only for the baby in her arms. Only for that little life, she was ready to even bargain her life...

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