The shy prince

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He was thankful that no one found out about the mess they had made in the throne room that one night but the way her personality had changed overnight made him feel like he was the princess there. Nevertheless, after being sexually pleasured over and over again by his extremely enthusiastic wife, he was left rather shy in regards to his wife. Thankfully though, they had managed to not make a mess of the golden.

What the prince had never thought, though, was that he would be the one blushing one fine day when his wife sneaked into his room at night. He had never expected her to have the guts to do it but that dirty expression over her face really made him shiver to his core. How could she change so much in just one night? He couldn't answer that. All he could do was clear his throat and frown so as to keep his cold demeanor still on. 

" What are you doing here?" he had been studying about the world outside through his books. He was reading about how the actual common man of his kingdom lived and how they went about their day-to-day jobs. 
" What are you doing there?" 
" Huh?" but he was really shocked to find his princess climbing his bed and crawling towards him while having those sparkling eyes. You could even say that the prince was shying away from her because he was just too taken aback by the situation 
" Which book are you reading?" this time, he decided that he would not answer and get back in form. So what if she had been teasing him since the last night? No. He was still her husband and he was still the higher authority there. So, he shut his book and tried glaring at her smirking face 
" Pari," he growled in his normal voice but this time, he didn't understand what had gotten into her because she was not scared away by his growl 
" Accha. Leave it. Come with me," the crown princess, whose eyes were glistening as she held her husband's hand had mischief in her heart. Earlier in the day, she had teased her husband during their normal morning study session a lot by seducing him. During breakfast, she had whispered something dirty into his ears before he started eating, and during her regular practice session, she had managed to completely skip practice in the woods. After that, the prince had tried to keep his distance because he was literally getting erections every 2 minutes because of her behavior but then again, right after dinner, she was back in his room and this time, with a rather cute plan in her mind. 

" Pari!" he shouted at her when she began dragging him out of his room because he really didn't understand which other place was left for them to sin in but she only kept dragging him, ignoring his resistance completely
" Shh! Just listen to me once. Ma told me... It's Purnima today..." 
" So?"
" So?!! You should listen to your wife more often. Now, will you shut up, or do you want Ajji to catch us?" she stopped right under a huge pile of stairs and he just looked at her skeptically. All till he heard the guards approach. 

" There is someone in the third wing!" 
" Shit," and just because he was in no mood to be caught by the guards did he follow his wife up the stairs this time. Only because he didn't want rumors claiming him to be a playboy be roaming around his kingdom did he agree with her. What he hadn't expected was that she for once wasn't thinking about having sex or having a child. 

No. Instead, she took him to the humungous balcony that his palace had. A place where he hadn't much been to but she seemed to know the route through all the domes and doors of that place very well. He hadn't even thought that there could be such a beautiful place in his palace but as he looked at the open sky that his young wife pointed at, he couldn't help but feel mesmerized by the beauty of nature at its finest. There were stars twinkling over his head and the moon shimmering right in front of his eyes as his wife giggled softly and stayed in his arms. He couldn't possibly have a better night in his entire life. It wasn't something hot or sexy but it was heartwarming and easily one of the best memories he had with her. 

" I was talking with ma today... She told me that she and Baba always came here when they were younger and he was just a prince. Isn't it pretty?" her blue eyes were staring into his brown ones which were staring back at her now and the moment she saw him nod his head, she turned her head back to look at the beautiful sky. No pollution nor clouds covered the sky in their kingdom. There was only pure fresh air that touched their faces and flew through their hair. A pure bliss you could say it was. Pure bliss for both the prince and his princess of being in each other's arms without anyone interrupting. Even if they stayed there for hours now, neither of them would actually mind because silence really felt like gold in those few moments that they just stared at the sky and love engulfed them completely. 

" You know... If we have a daughter, I'll name her Soha. And she will shine, just like the stars," softly, he smiled when his wife looked back at him and one of his hands went around her shoulders 
" Soha," he repeated softly and felt hands engulf him in a small hug 
" What will you name our baby?"
" We don't have a baby yet, Pari," 
" Still. I have so many names in my mind. You must have something in your mind too..." she gave him her innocent eyes to which he just chuckled for a second before his face got a stern expression over it once again 
" Pratik," came out of his mouth 
" Pratik?"
" Our first son's name will be Pratik. He will be the symbol of my love to you," 

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