Small girl

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" And this is your room," it was a small space compared to her room in the palace but as she walked in, she could only nod her head in agreement. Fine, it was small. She could work with it. Of course, she would love to have someone else with her there but, she was fine with herself too. No more did she need him to take care of her. He didn't believe that she couldn't commit such a horrendous act then so be it. She no longer believed that he really loved her either. And it was really funny because just one little misunderstanding between them had now led to her declaring war against her own love. As if, what she felt for him all those years had completely gone away... 

It hadn't. In her heart, she still loved that man who was always so very strict with her and always made her do weird stuff. Just that her love had been covered now. By a sense of anger towards the man who didn't even look back once while she was struggling in chains. By a sense of duty towards her unborn child that she was sure would be exploited to every level if she wasn't strong enough to save it. 

All through the 3 days that they took to drop her off at that place, she was hoping and praying with all her might that he would come. Come and save her from her banishment. Come and hear her side of things. Come and help her out. After all, they were lovers.
Or not? Because she now doubted every word he ever told her. If he couldn't even save her in that situation if he couldn't even stand up for her... Could he even be called the bold, radical young prince who always fought for justice? No. He couldn't.  He could no longer be called...

And it was his incompetence at trusting his loge that now that she was in that dirty place...

It also was her incompetence... Incompetence in choosing the right partner. But in the 3 days that she had till she came there, she had also decided. It was all upon her and no one was going to help her. She had herself and her unborn child and that is all that she needed to think about because judging by the looks those women were giving her, she knew that they thought of her no less than any of them. That all of them considered her level as low as a woman who would sell her pride in order to survive in the world. 

But that wasn't her. 
She wasn't selling anything. Nor was she going to give up. 
Pari, for the first time, was going to fight for herself and fight against all the tortures every single person from that court had bestowed upon her. Might have been just because of a misunderstanding but that angry woman, for the first time didn't care about what her husband had to say about his behavior. She only cared for herself and that in my eyes was somewhere, equal to a lot of progress. No matter if she was hurting, at least she was going to walk on the right path to freedom now... Just like her husband had envisioned her doing...

" Ok..." So, she began strolling around and getting used to her new surroundings. Tried her best to get accumulated with all the rituals and customs of that place and as far as she knew, there was one main Amma who decided on everything that happened in the Kotha.

Badi Amma. The most influential woman in the place. If the princess wanted her revenge, she needed to start with getting Badi Amma on her side. If she wanted the pride that they stripped off her back, she needed to begin in that nameless place. Be it as a prostitute, but she needed to at least start somewhere.

No, she wasn't going to be quieted just because she was thrown out of their lives. She was not like any other woman in the kingdom and that, she was going to prove. Sure, all her knowledge came from what her husband had taught her. But, she was going to show him how much better she was than he thought. Now, she had something to prove. A goal to reach and fire burning in her heart that wouldn't let her sit quietly. Sure, she might have to use some of the age old "wrong" techniques to reach her goal but she was not going to stop at anything. 

And that day, as her ears unheard all the taunts that the women there were making about her, she could only guess that she saw her first target. 

A small girl. A small, innocent girl growing up in those slums. A girl who was disowned by her rich father after her mother died giving birth to her. A girl who looked so much like the girl she envisioned her to have... 

" And here I thought that she was the prince's favorite. Turns out, that Angel princess is as important as any one of us. All that glorious stories that we heard-"
" What's your name beta?" yes it hurt to hear that. It hurt very much to hear any of that. But she turned a blind eye towards all those women, bend down a little, held the hand of that innocent child, and smiled a gentle smile at her, making the kid want to converse with her. 
" G-Ga-Ganga," she answered as her big brown eyes looked right into the princess's eyes 
" Ganga? Wow. That's a pretty name... Did your amma keep it?" and seeing her talk so very gently with that kid, most of the prostitutes left the place in boredom. They just knew. That princess was not made to live in those slums... She was born to live in the palace and each one of those women knew that. But they had to act tough and rude in front of her. It was just the way they were bred and brought up. Sure, they had a conscience but a woman who sells herself on a basis of every night often forgets how to connect with that conscience.

Thankfully, the princess was there. A pure being who was sure to bring change to that place. She swore it on her unborn child the moment she heard the child's reply to her question. 
" I no amma..." pity. She had felt so much pity for that innocent little child in front of her eyes that day... She couldn't help but pull her in for a tight hug and promise her 
" I'll be your amma then... Ok, Sona? You will stay with me from now on..." 

It was a small girl and she hadn't even touched the surface of those sad stories that came from that place. If she wanted to bring any change, she needed to work really hard... But well. As she looked at the dirty gully of that place through her window that night, she knew that she was ready to tackle any sort of obstacle to get back at the people who brought her there. 

Rani ma was not going to get rid of her that easily and she was going make sure of it. 

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