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" A for apple, B for Banana, C for cat," her heart was melting as she smiled at the girl learning to write as she sat on her lap. It had been just a few days yet, she had really grown close to that little girl whose hair was currently being braided by the woman who had recently been stripped of all her pride. Yes, she was sad but, seeing another girl; stranded in a place that seemed more like a cage than a home; trying her best and learning something productive, like she had learned in her childhood really made her heart smile at herself. If she couldn't deem herself innocent in front of that court of people, she knew that she could at least do some good by teaching that little girl...

" AYE! Little brat! Badi amma has been calling for you for the past 3 hours and this is what you have been up to?! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS PLACE! RIGHT NOW!" but those few moments of peace were also disturbed by those women in that place. Those women, their rules, and their disgust towards the disowned princess. It didn't matter if they were in a similar situation as her now, they still hated her guts because she had lived all her life peacefully in the palace; or so they thought. Even they had the royal blood running through their veins. Even their fathers were rich princes yet, they were the ones discarded and looked down upon by women like her just because they were born in that place. 

But they got that one thing wrong. Just because she didn't come out of her room and socialize with any of those women didn't mean that she looked down upon them. She instead was looking down upon herself and the trust she had in her love. She was ashamed to meet anyone when the world had left her all alone. She was scared and hence, had confined herself in a room. There wasn't any other reason for it. Just that she was a little scared and the world was too big for her to immediately venture into.
But the women there took it the wrong way when she refused to come down to even eat... 

All she wanted was some peace and quiet to figure out where she was in life but life couldn't let her have that peace even for a second. It couldn't let her have those few seconds with the girl she looked at and saw her own younger innocent self in. Instead, it had to snatch the one thing that now made her smile. But she had learned from experiences that no matter what, she had to stand for herself if she wanted to survive. 

Like back when she went ahead and cut off that man's head just because he thought of touching her the wrong way. It had really shut people up and scared rani ma in her chair of power. Now, if she wanted to bring any change, she needed to do something similar and possibly, something equally sinister. 

Still, everything began with one small step and this time, the step for her was to bring change to the place she was dumped in. To bring awareness and for the first time in weeks, leave the small room she had confined herself in. 

" You can't do this," so, she went down. She followed those women who dragged that innocent girl away from her and found herself standing right in front of a society full of disgraced, dirty women. All while her beautiful sad eyes remained on the little girl who kept looking back at her for help. 

Ganga, her name was as pure as her mind. How she ended up in that place was still a question the young princess couldn't solve but, she seemed to have a connection with the kid. Didn't know what sort of connection but, she could just feel the need to be there for her. Whether it was her pregnancy speaking or not, she didn't know. All she knew was that that child being dragged away from her right in front of her eyes was like her own daughter and she would anything to save her. 

So, she held the woman's hand. A dirty woman's hand that she didn't even want to think about. She held the lady's hand who was dragging the child and stopped her only to create a bigger scene than she had anticipated. 

" AYE!" because her little cry took someone's attention. Someone who was as powerful as almost God in that place. The oldest lady who had suffered that place's wrath. The first lady who was degraded just because of her gender. The one lady who had suffered way worse than her just was irritated by her voice alone. 
" Came here 3 weeks ago and still thinks is the princess of this world. Ha?!" it didn't help her pride when all the women began laughing at her. It definitely did not help all the self doubts that she had. Because now, you could clearly see her looking at her feet in shame. Shame that she couldn't save herself from that. Shame that she trusted the wrong people... 
People from the palace weren't worth her trust. Nor were they worth her time. The old woman smirking at her hopeless self knew that very well and now, she was also understanding it. 

But her hand never left grabbing that woman's hand. She never let the grip go no matter how much she was taunted that day. Her iron will determination never went away. Never. 

" What? You think you can change this place now? Huh?!" another round of loud laughter ensued, only leaving her heart sore 
" Just look around yourself. Princess. We are all princesses! But we are all here. In this place. So it'll be best if you get it in your head that you are no one special! Everyone here gets the same treatment. No matter if you are pregnant with the prince's kid or a fisherman's. AYE! Ayisha. Get her room ready re. Her first customer should greet her na-"

" Yes," 
" Ha?! Yes, what idiot?! Yes, you'll sleep with someone today or-"
" Yes because I will change this place," all those words were only meant to crumble her determination. All those harsh words... They were only said so that she lost all hope and accepted the truth but the look that she had in her eyes when she raised her head and looked at that old woman... Badi ma there could swear that she had never seen a more intense look of determination in any other woman's eyes. She could swear that just by looking at her, she knew that the change that young woman was talking about was for sure to come. 
" I WILL CHANGE THIS PLACE. ALL OF YOUR FATES AND THAT PALACE. I WILL CHANGE IT ALL. And I swear it on Durga mata Badi ma. I will change this place," 

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