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Before you guys start reading this chapter, I really want to say sorry for not uploading it in time. I have just been a little too busy and was unable to write any chapters in the past 2 weeks. In fact, even the last chapter was written hurriedly and I'm really ashamed of that. 

But I will be posting on time from now for sure. 

Thank you all for reading something that I write. 

Please enjoy reading!


As time flew, and weeks passed by like water, his anxiety kept increasing. The young prince, in his palace or even in his own room nowadays didn't feel at home and it was all because one woman was gone. It was like the light in his eyes was gone and now, he was just a working zombie, waiting impatiently for his messenger to relay the message. 

Like I told the last time, during his talk with Rani ma and after disagreeing with her over a third marriage, he had finally found the only person he could get to deliver his message out of the palace. A man he knew no one would doubt even if he went into those grounds because no one really expected anything from him. 

Although he was surely guilty for putting his sister through all the doubt and sadness, the prince still really wanted to get his message to reach the person he had been impatiently worrying about for the past many months. And as days passed, the restlessness in his heart only grew. 

And so did hers. 

She did teach a few girls how to read. Did teach them how to fight and did teach the women in that place what it meant to be powerful and in authority. But, inside, she knew. She never could be one of them and never could she see eye to eye with them. 

Had a plan to bring down the kingdom in her head but after the conversation she just heard, the princess didn't know if it was the right thing to do or not anymore. 
Had a goal in life but, no longer did she have the confidence in herself. It was breaking her from inside when each day, she plastered a strong face to seal away her hurting heart in order to look ferocious in a place that never could accept her. 

No longer did she know where she belonged either. It was not in the palace, nor in that place and nor with her parents. Each passing day was like a curse, and as she realized that she had been secretly planning on killing her own love, it just kept weighing her heart down, into a deep pit of sorrow. Where had life brought her? And how many options did she have? 

How could she talk so high and mighty in front of those women when from the inside, she was just a timid, insecure girl who needed reassurance. Every time she saw the little girl's smiling face, she felt guilt. How could she not trust that innocent soul? But how could she even trust it when her own loved ones had once betrayed her? 


It was her enemy now. That word... Because she trusted people very easily. Had even begun to think that she could in fact bring change, but then again. She was just a pregnant, sad lady who wanted revenge for herself. And revenge isn't anything good. She knew. Deep in her heart, she still wished to go back to the old times when nothing was wrong. When her husband didn't have a second wife or when she wasn't even burdened with the responsibility of being a princess. Back when she was just a little kid, smiling and holding his mother's hand as she affectionately called the woman her "Ma". She just wanted to go back to that one time when the queen had so very gently and lovingly taken her in as her own kid... 

Maybe it was because she was pregnant or maybe she was just sick of it all. Whatever it was, she was tired and hoping to change things. Hoping, that she could get out of that toxic place. Even her pregnant belly had begun showing by then and the daima of that place didn't know why. It was just the fourth month back then and yet, she looked pregnant. Was it the food? Or was something wrong with her kid? She didn't have any answers. 

All she had was her tears and loneliness because although the women there had been through similar phases in life, they still couldn't understand her sorrow. Besides, she needed to act strong and unsuspecting if she didn't want to tick anyone off in that place. Needed to keep up with her dumb act if she wanted to survive... 

And it was just a night like any other when she kept shifting in the uncomfortable bed, unable to sleep when someone got in through her window.
It had been kept open only so that fresh air could come in and the princess had never thought that anyone would even dare to come into her room but there was a man who had used that window to climb in and the moment she realized that her body jerked up. 

As she heard footsteps, her heart began beating hard. Was it happening? Was she about to be killed on spot and then, never be remembered again!? Only bad thoughts were coming to her mind as she slowly moved one hand towards the side table and held the vase that stood there. The little girl no longer stayed with her in her room because the other women took her away and now, she found herself alone in that room with a stranger who could possibly kill her... Was that the reason the women of that place took the girl away from her room that night? 

Well, she didn't have time to come to a conclusion because the person was approaching her very fastly... 

But then again, she was taught by her husband how to fight. She knew the least of self defense tactics. So, the moment she knew that the intruder was close enough, she sprang into action and hit him hard on the head with the vase without making any sounds. Like a cat, in a second, she was done with her attack and the intruder hadn't even guessed that he would be hit. 

That's why he was grunting and groaning in pain as he lay on the floor and held his head. Really, he didn't see that coming at all! And she was just creeped out. Was it a man who wanted to take advantage of her? So, he barged into her room...? Were men that lusty...?! 

" Ah! DI!" 

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