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" If anything happens to him, they will do something to Pratik... Sohit," she grabbed his hand and shook her head as she worriedly arched her eyebrows. Her son was in her arms, sleeping peacefully while her brother stood beside her in her room. Her husband was about to kick a particular man out of the palace when she stopped him. 

" That woman snatched our son away from you and forced you to agree to her stupid threat to be able to even look at him!?"
" Don't do anything to them... Please,"
" They treated you like dirt! How can you ask not to do anything to them?"
" Because it isn't their fault!" she argued with him as she pulled him back towards herself and her husband just kept staring at her in disbelief 
" Pari?"
" Like it wasn't my fault and still I was sent there, it isn't any of their faults they were sent there! All of them have royal blood. All of them. And they wouldn't have done any of it if they were given a single chance! But that chance was snatched from them. What else were they supposed to do to survive in that place?" there was a long moment of silence in the room after she had said that and all her husband could do was sigh and sit back in his position. 

She had told him whatever had happened to her in that place and so had she said to her brother. Had trusted them with no detail to spare. She'd told them everything from the moment she was captured and held prisoner in the palace itself till when she fell unconscious after returning. All her feelings, all her thoughts, she'd poured them all out and it was clear to see that her husband was not fine with any of it. Neither was her brother. But, he was holding a strong face. Didn't want to falter in front of the future king and his elder sister... He wanted to show that he was strong but no one was really focusing on him. 

Pari was deep in her own thoughts after she had said that.
And Sohit... He was too worried about everything that had happened and how he could fix things. He was too busy trying to think of a solution for all their problems but a solution wasn't that easy to arrive at. 

" Jiji... Oh, you are here as well, prince? And... You," there was a distaste on the woman's face when she took the last word and looked at the princess's brother before turning her head and looking at the princess with a very big, fake smile. 
"  I was so happy when you woke up jiji," she walked towards Pari and sat right next to her making Pari frown. She had seen that woman's true face. Why was she behaving all well with her now? Oh... She remembered that her husband was in the room too. 

And he looked annoyed, to say the least. 

They were having an important discussion and this woman just decided that barging into the room and acting like everything was normal was the best thing to do...

 " Oh... Pratik. He's so cute. The cutest kid I have ever seen. You know? I heard that..."
" What are you doing?" Aditi had put a hand under the child and was in a position to snatch him from his mother's arms and hold him by herself when Pari suddenly pulled her kid to herself and stared at her in disgust and distrust 
" Oh jiji... I was just trying to hold our son,"
" Our Son?" Pari raised her eyebrows at that and hugged her son close to her heart, " How dare you say that?!" she shouted at that woman and Sohit stared in disbelief.

That incident seemed to have changed the both of them... Made him more courageous and outspoken and her... A little short tempered when it came to certain people. 
She really was looking ready to kill that woman in front of her with her bare hands. And the amount of protection that she was showing towards her son... Sohit had never seen anything like it. Probably being a mother had changed her. Or probably that change had come from being in that rotten place for so long. 

But she had definitely changed for better or worse...

" Jiji... But he is our son-"
" Pratik is my son. MY and Sohit's son. He never will be yours! DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!"
" Pari..." he held her hand to calm her down but instead, she just glared at him. Daring him to stop her. And began unleashing her anger on him
" What Pari!? She'll do the same thing she did to me to our son! Kick him out of the palace at this age! Or worse. She will try to act like his mother because she wants benefits after he grows up. NO. I won't allow any of these things to happen! You choose now Sohit. Either it's this woman never being allowed to even. LOOK and Pratik. OR I TAKE PRATIK AND GO BACK TO RANIGANJ... At least my son will be away from this place that way!" she declared in a fit of anger and he just stared at her in disbelief. Did she really just say that?
" Pari?" 
" Jiji you're overreacting! You don't need to go back. We can have a cordial relationship this time... And raise Pratik together-"
" DON'T. Take my son's name from your vile mouth. And you, Sohit. You weren't able to save me or our son that's why I went there in the first place. THIS WOMAN COMMITTED THE BIGGEST SIN IN THE WORLD! She... She slept with someone. And you could still not do anything about it! Was she ever punished!? No. Instead, who got punished!??! I did. OUR SON DID! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING EVEN A LITTLE BETTER WHEN ALL YOU DID WAS BEND TO HER WHIMS AND FANCIES AND LIES TILL NOW?!" she was angry, to say the least, and no one knew what to do to make her feel any better... Not even her own husband. 

He was dumbfounded. 

Was that really what she felt about him?

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