The good news

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" Hmm," the woman was frowning and the prince himself was frowning deeply as he sat next to his wife. Pari's right hand was in the medic's hand and currently, the old woman from a small hospital in the countryside was examining a very nervous Pari.

" Got it!" Suddenly, the old woman took her hand back with a smile of achievement over her face, and Sohit's frown only deepened
" Got what? What is wrong with her?" He was genuinely scared. What if Pari had some incurable disease?!
" See. It's very faint but it is there,"
" What is there?" Pari herself was scared now. What if she was talking about some nasty infection or tapeworm or something?
" The pulse. Obviously. You both have been having your Rangeen nights a lot na... So, here's the product of all your adventures," the old woman smirked, and honestly, both the prince and princess were scared of her at that point. She seemed creepy...
" Wh-What does that mean?" Pari innocently asked her as she clutched onto her saree in fear and Sohit gulped because he kind of got the overall idea...
" Pch. What I'm saying here is that you are pregnant. I wouldn't say more than a month even right now but the kid is there. And the pulse is rather light but the kid is still very small so it's okay,"

" Pregnant?" But that is the only thing that both the royals heard. They stopped thinking and listening after that and the only thing that both of them did was to look at each other with wide eyes the very next moment, Pari just tackled her husband into an emotional hug. I mean, she had been trying to convince her husband to give her a child for years now. He was almost 19 and so was she but, it didn't matter how old they were at that moment. Just the fact that they had a kid now was enough for her to feel on the top of her heart. Just the thought of having his part developing inside her was enough for her to break down and softly cry on his chest. She had been waiting for that day to come for years now and she had even planned that she wouldn't cry. She had planned to show him her tongue and tease him when she finally got pregnant but at that one moment, she couldn't help but feel emotionally vulnerable and cry.

And although he was taken aback by the news, his hands still went ahead to caress her softly in his embrace. He wasn't planning for a kid yet. According to his actual plan, they weren't supposed to have a kid till he was crowned the king of the Kingdom which was almost 3 years away but he also remembered that for the past one week, he hadn't been using any protection... So, although it was a shock, he took it in well.

" What? You've gone through a miscarriage before or something?"
" Huh? No... No... It's the first child," he was so damn flustered but with the hard way that his wife was crying, it was only natural that anyone would think that.
" Well. Then, take care of your wife and get her to stop crying. Will you? It's not like the world is going to be killed today,"
" Yeah... Pari,"
" Hmm..." and although she kept whimpering softly even after receiving a kiss from him on the head, it wasn't that bad really.

But now the prince was torn. Did he want to send his wife back to safety after they just found out such a big piece of news or did he still want to take her along? Of course, if they went according to her, she didn't want to go back as of yet and it was getting dark too. The house that was arranged for them was much closer than the palace. So, having no other choice, he took her along with him to the city.

" Bhai. You took too long! What were you both upto?!" Thankfully, Pari's tear stricken, swollen eyes were hidden by the ghunghat that she had over her face but Sohit still had to face his father and brother. He didn't want to lie but he didn't want to tell them either. Lying was wrong, he knew that. He had never lied in his life but at that moment, he just couldn't tell the truth. It was a good news but it would have been better for everyone to know about if she was safely back in the palace. If people were to find out that the princess was pregnant and not in the palace, her life would be much more in danger than it would be if no one knew.

Reluctantly, hence, he decided that lying was the best option...
" Nothing you need to know about," this time, she looked up at him in shock. She had thought that he would tell everyone the first thing after they reached the house and would send her off to the palace. Instead, he just held her hand and blinked his eyes once, giving her reassurance. She was most safe with him around her, not if she was in the palace or not and he would make sure that she would be safe. But that gesture only made her tear up in happiness once again and she really would have burst out crying if it wasn't for someone to cut their little gaze

" That is alright. But it's getting late. Sohit, get inside with Pari... We need to decide on the plan here. Besides, Harshwardhan is waiting inside for us," that was the king. He had been worried about his son and daughter like daughter-in-law and now that they were there in front of him, he felt relieved. All he wanted now was to get them inside one of his minister's house and explain how they would be living for the next 2 months...


Hi guys. 

Just needed to update a little. 
12th boards are coming up and managing time is getting a little difficult so, I will try my best to keep updating as regularly as possible but I cannot make any promises. 
Sorry for not updating for a while. 

Hope you enjoy reading. 
Pl comment and vote. Really helps 


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