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" How was the night, bhabhi?" She just blushed away. Sohit had managed to tell her that morning that he would be going to work from that day on like any other common man so, she would have to stay back along with all the women in the household and help them in their day-to-day activities.
Well, she was hesitant at the beginning of letting him go outside all alone without her but once her old best friend came to take her out of the room, she just had to go with her.

" O-ok,"
" Only ok? Didn't you do anything?"
" Huh?! No! No we didn't!" She immediately cut through Suhani's chain of thoughts and that made her stop walking
" Wait. You guys still didn't do anything?" She held the elder princess's hand and made her stop in her tracks too but this time, Pari turned to look at her in shock
" It's not like that!" She whispered because she didn't want anyone to hear it
" Then what is it like?"
" We do it. Just not, in this place," this time, Pari was looking around, just to make sure that no one was around anywhere near them because she wanted no one to know all those embarrassing details...

" Oh... Why not though? Pranav doesn't leave a single chance at night," this time though, she heard something slip in the back and when she turned around, she found a man fallen over a pot of metal and rubbing his head. She did not recognize him at all but Suhani seemed to know him because she began giggling loudly
" Woke up? I thought you'd be sleeping till midnoon today,"
" Pch. You can't be teasing your husband!"
" Yeah yeah. We all know who Appa likes more here and who can tease whom," she kept giggling and now, Pari, who was only shocked over her limits gasped. Oh. So, her grandmother wasn't wrong when she said that she found the most useless guy in the kingdom to marry the princess just because she had been naughty when she was younger... She had maybe seen that man at their wedding but Pari was more focused on the fact that her first best friend would be leaving her house and leaving her all alone. She didn't remember that guy's face at all but now, if she looked carefully, he did seem familiar, somehow...

" So it was true?"
" What?"
" Ajji got you married to the most useless man in the kingdom because you didn't listen to her that one time?"
" Oh ho ho. Trust me, bhabhi, it was completely true a hundred percent!" Suhani declared and looked back at her husband who was now glaring at her. It was like, they had a love hate relationship and the love was only showcased during the nights.
" Don't you dare talk like this about me! I'll get another wife, I'm telling you!"
" Yeah yeah. Go on. I'm sure not even women from Raniganj would entertain you, dearest husband," Suhani just waved her hand in the air, " Ek toh, you wake up at 8. I mean, who starts their day that late?! And then you do nothing but waste Appa's money at dumb things. And once all that money is gone down the drain, you come back home, have dinner and then you want more. Ha?!"
" Pch. This is my way of living. Suhani, get accustomed to i- AHH!!" a slim hand from some random place just automatically went ahead and pulled one of his ears
" Your way of living ha?!?!"
" AMMA!!"
" SHUT UP AND GET READY! EK TOH, IT'S ALREADY 9! ABOVE THAT YOU DARE TO TALK LIKE THAT TO SUHA?!? Go get ready and go to work with your appa. RIGHT NOW!!"
" AMMA! You are my amma! You should be taking my side!"
" As if! Go get ready!" It was the same woman from the last night, the one Pari was wary about but seeing that scene really made her giggle a little. The rumors were true.

But her giggle made everyone look at her. Suhani, her old mother, and Pranav. All of them were now staring her down and that really made her uncomfortable. Thankfully for her, Sohit's voice was enough to get her out of that situation.

" Pari!"
" I should go," her face turned serious and she turned around but just before she could leave, Suhani held her hand
" Arre. Bhabhi, it's ok na if you don't go for once,"
" Suha. You know what he does if I'm even a minute late na... Please," God did that statement give her mother and brother different types of bad imaginations...

" Pch. Pari!?" This time, the voice seemed troubled and as they heard footsteps coming towards them, all the four of them gulped in fear. What would he do!? All of them were scared. Very scared.

" I called for you 2 times already! Pari?!" He was standing right in front of her with a frown over his forehead and she immediately brushed Suhani's hand off hers
" Right. Sorry. Suha wanted to say something," he sighed
" You both can talk after I leave too. Come here for now you," he grabbed her hand strongly and made her dragged her out of that place but unlike what she had thought, he wasn't angry at her. He was just worried and once before he left for the day, he wanted to see her face.

" Hmm?" She was pinned down to a wall and from the side, Suhani, her mother-in-law and husband all were spying on them with wide eyes
" You take care," did he just want to tell her that? With his hands in her hair that too? God, it made her feel so special about herself, she blushed and her nodded her head.
" You too," she held his kurta and looked him right in the eyes, making him smile softly while the other three who were spying gasped at their closeness. Were royal couples allowed to be that close even during the day?! Because if some common couple was to do all that during the day in his house full of other people too, they would be termed idiots and too active.

" Take care of this one too," she looked down when he kept a hand softly over her stomach and nodded her head once again before he decided to give her kiss in the middle of a hallway.

But that made an idiot glare at his wife
" Why can't you be shy like her?!"
" Why can't you be macho like my bhai then!?!?" She snapped back at him and he squinted his eyes at her, trying to come with a comeback and that is exactly when he remembered...
" I'm like your brother,"
" No. You are not-"
" Shaurya bhai?!" He kept his foot down and she rolled her eyes
" Who even wants someone like him?" She just turned her to look back at her brother who was still kissing his wife in the open daylight. It was outrageous but also cute...

" Ay. Ay! Suha! You take that back! I'm much more hardworking than you!" A voice suddenly out of nowhere came from behind them and this time, those three found Shaurya glaring at them. Well. You could say that the fight after that wasn't pretty...
At least Sohit and Pari got to kiss in peace after that...

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