60) Cry Mercy

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Hikari's hands pressed against the side of the glass dome over the back of Imperialdramon's body, staring up at the sky overhead. Seraphimon was still glowing brightly, easily displayed against the backdrop of the darkened sky and the mountain above. She was struggling to see what was taking place around Seraphimon's body and the immense glow it brought, and Hikari began to sense a shift in the world. Imperialdramon started to lower himself to the ground below, touching down on the earth at the base of the mountain a moment later. Hikari was able to see vaguely that Holydramon and Ceresmon were doing the same thing. It seemed as if nobody was able to truly see what was taking place on the battlefield, and they were liable to aim poorly and wind up hitting each other from their place in the sky.

"Wow..." Sora whispered from nearby, and Hikari turned to look at the older girl with a light smile on her face. All of them were impressed beyond imagination at the appearance of Seraphimon, not that Hikari was too particularly surprised by such a fact. Pride was starting to swell in her chest at the knowledge that Takeru and HolyAngemon had been able to reach the important benchmark of evolution to the Ultimate level at long last. Despite all of their previous setbacks, they were able to do it. 

"The tides have certainly turned on Piemon now," Ken murmured under his breath. Miyako nodded her agreement from nearby. All of them knew exactly what was happening at the top of the mountain; Omegamon, SlashAngemon, and Seraphimon were going to be the end of Piemon once and for all. The clown wouldn't be able to escape the battle in full, and at long last, the battle with the beast from Inferno would draw to a close. 

"I hope that they know what they're doing though," Hikari found herself saying softly. She still had a bad feeling in her chest for some reason or another, not that she was sure how to describe it. All of a sudden, she felt oddly tense and anxious, like the world at large was trying to swallow her for some reason or another. The battlefield felt strangely... Dark. She wasn't sure as to how she was meant to put words to the sensation, but she knew firmly that there was something out of the ordinary taking place. She shuddered and did her best to push the thought out of her mind even though she knew it wasn't going to be quite so easy. 

"They know how to handle him," Miyako assured Hikari, placing one hand on her shoulder. Hikari smiled as she glanced over to Miyako, and the two shared a knowing look before turning their attention back to the sky overhead. 

The Singed Ones had been left to recoil as a result of everything that was taking place, doing their best to escape the blinding light that was steadily stopping them from being able to figure out some semblance of strategy in the heat of the chaos. Imperialdramon could see the catastrophe was rising to a peak, and he launched himself into action a moment later before unleashing as many attacks as he could stand to send out. He wasn't as effective on the ground as he was in the sky, but he was still doing a significant amount of damage against the Singed Ones and their forces. 

Ceresmon and Holydramon had landed nearby, and they were doing much the same thing that Imperialdramon was. Olegmon could be seen in the distance, and Hikari couldn't help but smile to herself. It was clear that they were closer than ever before to defeating the Singed Ones even if they lacked the advantage of taking to the sky. All they had to do was keep pushing forward until Seraphimon was able to lead Omegamon and SlashAngemon into the final battle against Piemon. 

But there was one problem with all of this; since they were no longer in the air, they wouldn't be able to do much of anything to look for Meiko. She was on her own, and it would be much harder to figure out where she was in the heat of the battlefield. Hikari prayed that Meiko would be able to hold out on her own in the heat of the moment; Meiko had nowhere near as much experience as everyone else in the group, and Hikari hoped that she would be able to survive until the Singed Ones were defeated and they figured out where she was. 

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