80) Crossroads of Fate

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Omegamon rushed forward with his sword outstretched, his wings flapping to give him the momentum he needed to push in the direction of Ordinemon. The massive Digimon seemed to realize what he was trying to do, and she raised one arm to swat him out of the air. She hit him in the side, and Omegamon started to spiral off course. It took a moment for him to adjust once again, but once he had regained his sense of balance, he was quick to shake it off and get right back into the thick of the action, his sword primed and ready for dealing the damage necessary to bring Ordinemon down.

Omegamon pulled his cannon back next as Ordinemon slashed at him once again. He managed to duck out of the way just in time, releasing a strike that was sent spiraling through the air in the direction of the large Digimon. Much to the surprise of everyone in the area, the blast managed to pierce the dark layer of energy covering Ordinemon's body. A massive singe mark was left behind across the center of her torso, and Ordinemon screamed in pain, throwing her head back along the way.

"He actually managed to get in a hit on her..." Yamato whispered softly, his shock as apparent as could be. He glanced over to Taichi a moment later. "It seems to me like Homeostasis' plan of merging with Omegamon to start fighting back against Ordinemon wound up working just as well as we were hoping it would."

Ordinemon was still screaming when she curled one arm around the center of her body. Her defenses seemed to have been raised by the attack, and as far as Taichi could guess, that was because Entropy knew what was happening. His chances of getting out of this alive had just decreased dramatically, and he could sense that everything was going to fall apart in the blink of an eye if he wasn't careful. Ordinemon's wings started to close in around the main part of her body, shielding her from view. She was large, but her wings were even bigger, and that was all it took for the main part of her body to vanish from sight. It was the perfect way for Entropy to try and heal her injuries before the next phase of the battle began in earnest.

Instead of aiming for the main part of her body, Omegamon decided to switch gears at the sight of Ordinemon's change of plan. He allowed his blade to flash in the sunset before he rushed forward, the sword extended forward once again. Ordinemon shifted away from him like she thought that the hit was going to be coming to the main part of her body, but luckily for her, he wound up charging for her wing instead, specifically to the place where her wing met the rest of her body. It had already been established as a sore spot thanks to Zhuqiaomon's attack earlier, and as far as Omegamon could tell, that could be the clue to unraveling Ordinemon's defenses.

As soon as Omegamon was behind her, he slashed his sword upwards along the place where Ordinemon's wing grew thin to connect to her spine. All it took was a single strike for Ordinemon's wing to be cleaved cleanly from her body, leaving behind traces of dark purple data that mixed with the deep red color of the Crest of Darkness. Ordinemon screamed in pain as the wing fell limply to the water below, creating a massive splash that the Chosen Children could feel despite their distance from the main part of the fight. Taichi didn't even bother to shield his eyes. In fact, none of them did, instead simply continuing to stare out at the battle before them.

Ordinemon's lost wing immediately began to give off other traces of data once it touched the water, and it started to fall apart from the base down to the tip. The feathers began to drift away a few moments later before starting to scatter on the wind, and soon enough, the wing was a hollow shell of its former self. There was still a considerable amount of the appendage left to float in the water, but it was a step in the right direction, the first part of the battle that would end with Entropy and Ordinemon being defeated in one fell swoop. 

"All it took was a single slash to cut her wing off..." Daigo murmured in surprise, his eyes wide as could be. "We had all of the Digimon attacking at once before, and they weren't even able to leave behind a scratch on her wing until just now."

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