Chapter 4

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Aiden's P.O.V
I woke up and decided that I'd actually attend class today, why?

I have no idea.

I started getting ready for school.

Might I add that I actually woke up early, so I won't earn detention, ha.

I got to school after taking a banana.

Out of my friends, Miles is the only one who goes to school early, mainly cause he's on the basketball team and if his grades drop he might get kicked off the team.

He is also the only one who doesn't skips class, the last time when he was on the field with us he just had a free period.

So because I got to school early I decided to meet up with Miles.

While I was looking for Miles I spotted the 'leave me alone girl'.

"Guess who", I whispered behind of her.

"If you touch me, I'll kick you so hard that you won't be able to sleep with girls anymore", her tone is laced with venom.

"Whoa, aren't we a little agressive", I moved to the side so that she could see me.

"No, just to you"


"It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to know that"

"Are you calling me dumb?"

"Your definitely not smart", she rolled her eyes.

"Yea, probably", I heard her chuckle at that.

"What do you want?"

"Uh..I..I..was wondering if you could...tutor? Tutor me", I tried coming up with a lie.

I really don't know why I'm talking to her, I just am.

"Really? Out of all the kids in this school you choose the new girl"

"I heard your really smart"

"And where did you hear that?"


"Ah, ok", she said not buying it.

"So, tomorrow night?"

"I have plans", she closed her locker.

"I do to, but I'm willing to cancel them to hang out with you"

"Good for you", and she walked away.

I sighed, what am I doing?

"Hey man, you alright?", Miles asked.

"Now you show up"


"We can't talk here, this information is too exclusive", I whispered.

"So you wanted to tell me that a girl dropped your ass", he said sounding like it's not important.

We were on the field at the back of the school.

"She didn't drop me, more like rejected me"

"I mean you did treat her like trash, on her first day"

"How do you know about that?"

"Uh, Ryan told me"

"How does Ryan know?"

"Look, I think his chick is like friends with your mystery girl, so yea"

"So she talks about me"

"Pretty sure it's not good stuff"

I sighed.

"What do I do?"

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