Chapter 13

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I woke up with the feeling of something  hard under me and I looked to see it was Aiden's chest.

Miles and Ruby were in there same position as last night.

Ryan and Jay were laying on the floor.

I tried to get up but an arm tightened around my waist. I tried to move Aiden's arm but he wouldn't let me.

"Aiden", I said a little too loud, Ryan started to stir then he woke up.

"What is y'all doing, people tryna sleep"

"Bro shut up", Aiden replied.

I knew he wasn't sleeping but now this position is makes me nervous because, he knows that his arm is around my waist.

"Aiden, I need to get up", I told him and he finally let go.

I went upstairs to pee and wash my face, when I went back down everyone was up except Miles and Hannah.

"You know what this mean right?", Ruby asked me.

"What?", I asked confused.

"Prank time", Ryan said.

They led me to the kitchen and we discussed how we were gonna prank them.

We decided we'd put mustard in Hannah's mouth, and pull the old tickle and slap on Miles.

You know when you tickle someone's face and then they wipe it and whatevers in their hand goes on their face.

Yeah that one.

Jay and I were gonna do it to Hannah because the others were too scared to do it, so that would leave Ruby, Aiden and Ryan to do Miles.

We got the mustard and went over to her, her mouth was already open so we just squirted like a spoon full of mustard in her mouth.


"Ahhhhhh", I heard Miles scream and my head snapped toward them.
"What is this?! It burns!", he cried and ran to the kitchen.

"Maybe we should've used something else", Ryan said.

"Yea", we all agreed and Hannah started to wake up.

She gagged and spat the condiment on the floor.

"What the hell!", she ran to the kitchen.

"I call dibs for not cleaning that up", Jay rushed out.

"It burns!" Mike yelled from the kitchen.

"You think I care I have a disgusting flavor in my mouth", Hannah yelled back.

"Sounds like its world war two up in there", Ruby said.
"Oh well, I'm gonna go home to shower and change, if you need me you know my number", then he walked out the house.

"Yeah, I think imma bounce too, you know I got home work and all", Ryan said.

"Oh no you don't. Remember you, remember 'prank time'! If I'm going down your going with me", I said.

"Why are you so mean?", he cried dramatically just as Hannah walked out.

"I got nothing to do with it", Aiden said and I nudge him.
Then Miles walked out, "okay, I definitely got something to do with that", he laughed pointing at Miles .

"I'm gonna hurt you guys so bad!", he shouted and went after Aiden.

"Ryan was in it too!", he yelled.

I noticed that Hannah had disappeared and then she came back into the kitchen with flour.

"Hannah, let's talk about this like the mature, responsible people that we are"

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