Chapter 9

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1 week later
Aiden and I haven't really talked since the kiss we shared. I was really hoping things would go back to the way they were.

"1 week till homecoming, we have to go shopping", Hannah said when she came to my locker.

"We still have so much time left", I replied to her.

"Better early than never, right"

I was those type of people who does things last minute, I know it's not good but I can't help it.

"Ok, so when do you want to go?"

"After school"



"How about Saturday?", I suggested.

"Its off my schedule, but it works"

"Cool, so see you after school"

"Yeah, later peaches"

"Bye Hannah", she walked off.

"Boo", a person said as I closed my locker.

"Miles, you scared me!"

"I know", he smiled.

I rolled my eyes, "what do you want?"

"I wanna know what's going on between you and Aiden"

"Me and Aiden? what? Nothing's going on, nobody said something was going on, why did he tell you something?"

"Um no, but I think you just did"

"I..I have to get to class"

"Yea, ok"

"Nothing's going on", I told him before walking to my next class.

Which might I mention I have with Aiden. That's if he even shows up.

Oh lucky me, he did.

Aiden's P.O.V
I wanted to make it to class early for specific reasons, anyway...

I saw Madison enter the class and she looked straight at me, then there was an expression I couldn't quite pinpoint.

She sits in the seat in front of me not even saying a word, didn't really expect her too.

Then the teacher came in and class started.

"Ok class, so this years project will be about...", I blocked out the teacher and turned to Madison.

"Madi", I whispered.
"Madison", I whispered again when she didn't answer.

I don't really know why I'm calling her, I have nothing to say.

"Yes Aiden", she replied sounding annoyed.

"I..I'm sorry?"

"For what?"
"Can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah, yea.. sure"

"Madison and Aiden", the teacher called.

We both looked up simultaneously.

"You two will be partners"

Oh boy.

Madison's P.O.V
School was over and I was walking through the exit doors.

"Hey madi", Jay came over to me putting his arms around me.


"Well, practice doesn't start until tomorrow, so you wanna hang out?"

"Yea sure, where?"

"Frozen yogurt"



"What if they just bought yogurt and froze it?", I asked.

"Then this would be a rip off", he said pointing at his cup.

We were at the frozen yogurt place, we got our flavors and we were now sitting and talking.

"So what's going between you and Aiden?", I rolled my eyes.

"Is that why you brought me here?"

"No. You haven't been telling me anything and I'm curious"

"Ok well, I don't... I don't know what's going on"

"What do you mean?"

"We kissed"

"Really, When?"

"The night at the party"

"When you guys snuck off", I nodded.
"You guys did come back a little tense"

"And now everyone is curious about us, huh?"

"Pretty much, but I won't say anything", I smiled at him.

"So what's going on with Natalie?", I asked him changing the subject.

"Yea, that relationship took off and crashed", he said doing the airplane motions with his hand.

"Wow, sorry to hear"

"I'm a senior, I'll find somebody"

"Okay", I chuckled.
"Oh and get this, I have a project with Aiden"


"Yea, after all this time of not speaking to each other, this is gonna be hella awkward"

"I agree", he replied.

"Have you talked to Miles?"

"Almost everyday", he laughed.

"How do you feel being friends with a Junior?"

"I don't know"
"You gonna eat that?", he asked pointing to the last of my froyo.

"Have at it", I pushed it towards him.

"Okay man, talk", Miles said as he and Ruby came through the door.

"What?", I asked.

"Don't play dumb, you know exactly what we're talking about"

"I honestly have no idea", I really didn't.

"You and Madison", Miles whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I'm not talking about this"

"Oh yes you are", they both came and sat at either sides of me.

"C'mon talk to us", Ruby pushed.




"Just talk-"

"We kissed! We kissed, alright", I sighed.

They both stared at me weirdly.

"You guys wanted to know, well there to go"
"I didn't mean for that to rhyme, I'm very mad right now"

"Dude you kissed a girl, so what?", Miles said.

"You've kissed plenty", Ruby stated.

"No, this different"

"What do you mean?"

"Look man, I don't know, but I'm not gonna sit here and talk about my feelings with you dorks"

"You know what always cheers me up", Miles said.


"My boo, her name is ps5", he said staring dreamily at my ps5.

"Yeah, ok", I replied.

"Let's play!", Ruby exclaimed.

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