Chapter 3- TV shows

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Riley's POV

It was one in the morning and Colton and I were cuddling on the couch, watching movies. I looked down at my left hand and smiled.

Holy shit. I will be getting married in how ever many months. His phone started ringing and he quickly grabbed it an answered it. He mouth "Scott" to me and I nodded. "Yeah I'm here." He walked in the kitchen while I continued to watch the movie. I flicked through the channels on TV and left on one of my favorite shows. TMZ. Yes!

I looked at the stories that were on the list on the left side of the screen. I saw Colton's name on their. I bit my nails and continued to watch, waiting to see what they were going to say.

When they finally reached the segment, I stopped chewing my nails and paid close attention.

"So who is this mystery girl? I mean really, after about three years of no girl, no nothing, this guy just randomly decides to marry this woman. She probably just wants his money."

After hearing that first part, I completely zoned out. I just want him for his money? Wow. I swear. People believe anything they hear today. I turned the TV off and walked upstairs.

I knew Colton before he was famous. God people are so gullible. Do they not think that famous artists can't have a successful relationship ship?

I sighed and held my head up with my hands. "Princess?" Colton said, I then felt the bed dip. "Hey." I whispered. He kissed my temple. "We should sleep." I nodded and walked over to our dresser and pulled out one of Colton's shirts. I heard him chuckle as I quickly changed into it.

He came over to me and pecked my lips. "So Scott said that, I am wanted on some TV show, and he uh wants you to come with me." I bit my lip lighlty. "Do you want me to go with you?" He nodded. "I want my fans to finally see you." I nodded my head. "Um alright, sounds good." I walked over to our bed and cuddled with our soft, comfy, warm blanket.

Colton laid down next to me, facing me. "So I was thinking about Noah." I widened my eyes, surprised. Anytime I would bring up Noah, he would either ignore it or change the subject. We would never talk about it, we would normally just avoid the subject.

"Really?" I whispered. He nodded. "I realized that I have been a jerk about it. When you want to talk about it I just leave it alone. I wanted to apologize for that." I leaned my forehead against his. "Don't worry Colton, it's alright, it-" He cut me off.

"It's not alright. I need to be there fully for you. Shit, you're going to be my wife soon. I am beyond happy about that but I have to get over this Noah thing. I need to be alright with talking about him." I kissed his nose.

"Well you seem to be doing a pretty great job at talking about him right now." He smiled lighlty and pecked my lips.

"We have an early day and we already aren't going to get enough sleep so goodnight princess. I love you."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. "I love you more."


In the monring, I woke up to Colton leaving kisses all over my face. "Princess, wake up. We have an interview to get to." I frowned and pulled myself out of bed.

I quickly showered , washing my hair, my body, and shaving. My towel was wrapped around my body as I brushed my teeth. Colton was next to me, combing through his hair and applying after shave. "We have six hours." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded and began drying my hair. I quickly straightened it, the going to pull on skinny jeans and a tank top with a nice cover up to go over the tank top along with black flats. I put in earrings and draped a necklace around my neck.

Colton was in dark jeans and a white v-neck with white converse. "Now we have five hours, want to go get something to eat?" I nodded and placed my lips on his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.

"As much as I love your kisses, we better stop before I can't stop." Colton said and pecked my lips one last time.

We began driving to a nice little restaurant. "So uh how long will we be on tv?" Colton shrugged. "Maybe an hour and a half, two hours at the most." I nodded my head. "Colton, I love you." He chuckled. "I know princess. I love you to."


"And let's welcome, Colton Black!" The woman said brightly. Colton and I walked out and I heard a loud round of applause. Colton waved to the crowd, giving them a bright smile while I just hid behind him like a lost puppy.

I got a glimpse of some of the faces of the crowd and relaxed once I saw Shane, Victoria, Jake, and Hector. We took a seat across from Ellen and Colton gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"So this is the mystery girl everyone has been wondering about? She is quite a catch." Colton lightly chuckled and began talking, as if he had been doing this stuff his whole life.

"Yeah this is the lucky girl." He said looking at me with a cute smile. The crowd let out "awes". "So how did you two lovey doves meet?" I smiled as I thought back to that day.

"Good morning. Will this book be all?" I pulled it back and scanned it. I saw that it was one of my favorite books. Paper towns. "This is a great book. Good choice." I finally looked up at the stranger who was buying the book and woah was he gorgeous.

"Can I just pay now and leave, that way I don't have to listen to you babble?" I made an o shape with my mouth and quickly closed it and nodded. He handed me the money in exchange for his book. "All I was saying was that it was a really good book."

"I don't really give a shit, the book isn't even for me."

"Well we actually met at a book store, I was a jerk and kinda got her fired but I'm kind of glad I did." The audience laughed.

"So Riley, you are an artist?" I nodded head. "Yea I am, clearly not a great one since nobody knows who I am." I said with laugh. "I know who you are! I bought some of your paintings!" Someone from the room shouted. I smiled at whoever it was. "Well I love you lots." Colton pouted. "But you love me more." I nodded and kissed him.

"You know I do baby, you know I do."

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