Chapter 16- Cute Fights

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Rileys POV

It's been about a week since we have been home, and right now we are on our way to my appointment.

Coltons hand held my own as he drove cautiously. We soon pulled in to the parking lot. I got out of the car excitedly, rushing into the building with Colton following behind me. I rushed up to the front desk and check in. "Riley Richards." I said to the woman at the desk. Colton piped in. "Riley Black." The woman gave a light laugh while typing in my name. "You're seeing Dr. Fleming at two o'clock, correct?" I nodded. "Yeah."

She gave me a smile. "She will be with you shortly. Just have a seat." I nodded and walked over to the chairs, taking a seat. Colton sat down and began rubbing my back. "So you put my name as Riley Black?" I asked with a small smile. "Course I did. You will be in a little less than a month." I stuck my tongue out at him. "But I'm still Riley Richards. It says so on my license."

He smirked. "But your last name will be-" He was cut off by the doctor. "Riley Black." He smirked again. "Told you, Riley Black." I stood up and followed her to a room.

"Go ahead and lay down. So how are you today?" She asked. I smiled, watching as Colton sat down. He rested his arm on his knee, and his head on his hand. He grabbed my hand, light rubbing his thumb back and forth. "I'm good, excited." She smiled. "Well that's good. And Colton, how are you? Any new songs coming out soon?" He chuckled. "Just got done recording a new album."

She nodded. She lifted my shirt up and began rubbing the cold blue gel on my stomach. I lightly shivered.

She then moved the little thing and found a little itty-bitty blob. "Here is your baby. You see that little white spot? That's it." My eyes filled with tears. "I'm going to listen for a heart beat." I looked over at Colton and gave him a small smile. He squeezed my hand gently. "The heart beat is amazing." I smiled and waited for her to continue. "You're about six weeks into the pregnancy. Your next appointment will be in seven weeks. And we should be able to tell the sex of the baby during your third visit. You will be about twenty weeks into the pregnancy. Okay?" She said with a big smile.

"Sounds good. Thank you." She nodded before leaving me to clean my stomach off. Colton grabbed paper towels and wiped the gel off of my stomach. "So we have a happy healthy baby." I nodded. Then I stood up, and hugged Colton. "I am so happy." He wrapped his arms around my waist, giving me a tight squeeze. "I think that Noah would've loved to have a little sibling."


"For the billionth time! I think it's going to be boy!" I playfully yelled at Colton. He gave me a glare. "It is going to be a girl!" I placed my hand over my stomach. "Well I have a mother's instinct, and I know it will be a boy." Colton poked my nose.


I pointed to his junk.






This went on for about two more minutes until we broke out into a fit of laughter. "What the hell is wrong with us?" I asked Colton. He chuckled before pulling me into his side. "Alot." We sat in a comfortable silence.

"Oh princess, by the way, Winnie and Debbie are flying out on Sunday night. I have to pick them up earlier on Monday morning." I nodded. "The tenth like we planned, right?" He gave me a thumbs up. "So, what should we do, I'm bored." I told Colton. He chuckled, grabbing my hand.

"We could-" He was cut off by a knock on our door. I pulled away from Colton and walked to the door to open it. When I opened it, I saw Winnie and Debbie. "I thought you guys weren't coming down here until the tenth!" They smiled. "Surprise." I let them inside before I gave hugs.

"Hey idiot! I hear you knocked up my cousin." Winnie yelled at Colton. He just chuckled and hugged her. I smiled at Debbie and gave her a big hug. "I can't believe you guys are here already." Debbie looked down at my stomach. "So you're really pregnant?" She asked with a great big smile. I nodded happily. "I really am."

"So, when should we go shopping?" I shrugged. "You guys can go today. I will go out with Shane and Jake." I nodded, walking over to Colton. "I will see you in a little bit." He pressed his lips to mine. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you more." Colton kissed my forehead. "I love you most." Winnie fake gagged.

"You two did not just go Tangled on me." I gave a light laugh before walking away from Colton. I quickly sent Victoria a text telling her to meet us at a bridal shop.

"Let's get your pregnant self a wedding dress."


"I like these ones for you guys. They match the blue and they are just gorgeous." I looked at Debbie, Winnie, and Victoria. They looked absolutely stunning in their bridesmaid dresses. "Let's go try them on." They ran into the dressing rooms, causing me to smile.

Coltons face popped up on my home screen. I tapped the answer button before pressing the phone against my ear.

"Hey princess. How's it going?" I smiled. "It's good. The girls are trying on their dresses now. I'm still looking for one." He sighed. "The guys got their tuxedos, now they are acting like psychos. Shane and Jake are climbing on the children toys outside of the building, and Hector made a kid cry." I lighlty laughed. "Good luck with them." He was mumbling something to the guys before he responded.

"Hurry up and find your pretty little ass a dress so I can hold you." I bit my lip. The girls walked out. "Riley! Now is not the time to talk dirty over the phone with your fiancé." I heard Colton chuckle. "I'll let you get back to them. See you when we get home. I love you." I smiled.

"I love you." I hung up the phone and looked at the girls. The dresses were beautiful on them. "You guys! I love these on you." The lady that was helping us smiled. "Now that we have their dresses, why don't we find one for the bride to be?" I smiled. "Sounds good."


The dress I got was beyond beautiful. I don't think there is even a word to describe it.

I walked over to my couch and sat down in Coltons lap. "Hold me." He pecked my lips. "No problem, Riley Black." Then with laughter I said.

"For the last time, it's Riley Richards."

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