How it all started

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After they were eating they went to Naruto's place.

They all say around his table.

"Alright. What do you guys wanna do?" Naruto asked all of them.

Hinata put the sake on the table.

"Yeah we still have the sake Lee gave us" Sakura said in an evil tone, rubbing her hands together smirking.

"W-We're too young" Hinata said quietly.

"How old are you?" Sakura asked.

"16" Hinata said putting her head down.

"Oh yeah i remember now. You're the youngest of us 4" Sakura scratched her chin thinking.

"If you don't want to drink you don't have to" Sakura pat Hinata's head.

"Then what'll I do?" Hinata asked smiling.

"You can make sure we don't break anything. Heh" Sakura smiled at her.

"Sasuke-kun, you're gonna drink?" Sakura asked.

"No i'm fine" Sasuke said coolly.

"You guys are lame. Naruto, get cups" Sakura opened the sake.

He stood up then headed to the kitchen.

He came back with four cups.

"Why 4?" Sasuke asked.

"Just in case you two would want to have a drink" Naruto smirked.

Sasuke sighed deeply.

Hinata smiled.

An hour passed. Naruto and Sakura drank some, they were just a tad bit buzzed. Sakura wanted to play spin the bottle so they did. Hinata was hesitant about it but did it anyways. She's never played it before.

"I'll spin" Sakura said spinning the bottle.

It landed on Sasuke. Who was across from her.

Sakura smirked then got up on her knees and leaned it. Sasuke just sat there.

"Come on, Sasuke-kun" Sakura leaned in more, then her lips touched his. It was a little peck.

Sasuke didn't know what to do. He's never kissed a girl before. Or anyone, Naruto doesn't count. He don't count those as his first kiss.

He leaned a little in too.

But Sakura just made it a small peck.

She backed away smiling.

"Naruto. You go" Sakura said.

He grabbed the bottle then spun it.

It landed on Sakura.

Hinata and Sasuke's eyes widened.

They didn't like this at all.

Hinata activated her eyes to see if they'll french kiss or not.

Sasuke was pissed off now.

He just sat there. He's stop them if it turned more intimate.

"Naruto, come here" Sakura said in a seductive way.

Naruto's face was red.

He leaned in then gave her a small peck.

Sakura licked his lips then smirked.

Naruto felt weird inside. He felt bad, he liked that. He liked being teased.

Sasuke looked at Hinata who had her head down.

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