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For those of you who haven't read bj alex: Bj Alex is basically about a dude in college that watches his favorite "broadcast jockey" that's what bj stands for🌚🌚 anyways he finds out the most popular dude at the college thingy is 'Alex'. He found out because their class went for drinks and shit happened but like what if i did one where Hinata watched a webcam boy (Sausage aka Sasuke) and stuff like that and ahhhh i hurt my head thinking about it. But like she didn't know he went to her college and they end up meeting...... I know Bj Alex is a yaoi but i could obviously change it to a SauHina one. Shit the main character reminds me of Hinata and Alex reminds me of Sasuke a little, very dominant while DG is shy and quieter. It sounds really dumb now i think about it BUT IT COULD WORK IF YOU GUYS WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT HAPPEN😤😤

Read Bj Alex. If you need a website lmk<3

Anyways. On with the story🚶🏻*

They all arrived at the Uchiha compound.

"Sasuke-kun.. are you sure?" Hinata didn't know if he'd be ok with this or not.

"It's ok. I'm not necessarily alone anymore" He looked down at Hinata.

All she could do was smile. What he just said right there, that gave her butterflies.

"So this is home?" Rento asked.

"Yeah. I hope you like it. I used to live here a long time ago, I just have to clean it first" Sasuke walked into his old home. He still seen blood stains from his parents.

"Sasuke-kun, I can help you if that's ok.." Hinata was scared he was going to lash out at her, but she knew him. He wouldn't yell at her.

Hinata wrapped both of her arms around his waist from behind.

Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts.

"Alright, let's clean" Sasuke started wiping down the floors quickly and walls.

Rento and Yuma decided to help dust around the house.

Hinata was wiping down everything.

After about three hours they all finished. The boys passed out on Sasuke who was in the chair also falling asleep.

He had Rento on his left side and Yuma on his right. They were using his cloak as a blanket.

Hinata offered to go out and get things for the house.

Sasuke agreed to let her go and he's stay with the kids.

"I'll be back soon, Sasuke-kun" Hinata walked out the door.

Why am I being nice? Their argument had nothing to do with me so why did I have to stick up for her? Do you like her?

All of this was in Sasuke's head. He's so confused with himself. What if she ended up leaving him, then he'd have no one again.

She's the only one who gets him and understands him.

You're weak and pathetic around her. Sasuke's inner self spat.

Sasuke closed his eyes for a bit.

"Boys, i'm home" Hinata walked in the door.

She seen all three of them sleeping peacefully so she decided to just cook dinner.

What she's planning on keeping from them was people calling her things. They all think she cheated on Naruto for some reason she couldn't say why.

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