Unknown Feelings

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Sasuke was very confused about his feelings. He's never loves someone like that before. He never cared for the girls around him. Sakura was his teammate and his number 1 fangirl, Karin was basically the same, Ino was weird and was always on him. All of them were like that actually.

But, Hinata's never been one of his fangirls. She's always been Naruto's personal fangirl. She's so nice to Sasuke even after the things he's done. She believes he deserves everything.

Hinata is so selfless. Sasuke feels the need to protect her with everything in him.

Sasuke back stood up walking away from Hinata.

She stood there in shock from what happened. She was turning into a tomato.

Yushin kept smirking. He knew something was going on between them two.

"Hinata-san!" Yushin came up behind her.

Hinata jumped "D-Don't scare me like that!" she squealed.

Sasuke went by the river to wash his face.

He heard Yushin teasing Hinata about her waking up in Sasuke's arms. Hinata just covered her face saying shut up.

Sasuke walked and walked until he record the river.

He looked at his reflection.

Am I really blushing right now?

Sasuke never felt this way before. He feels knots in his stomach.

He just washed his face then ignored all of this. He went back to the both of them.

Hinata got out some food so they can eat on the way.

"Want some?" Hinata held out some onigiri for Sasuke. He reached for it then his hand grazed hers a little bit.

"Sorry" Sasuke looked away still taking the food from her hands.

"Y-Yeah, it's ok" Hinata looked away blushing like crazy again.

The walk was a little awkward. Yushin was trying his best to make it not awkward, it was killing him.

They've been traveling for a few hours now. Sasuke and Hinata would talk every now and then about directions, seeing if enemies are near, and things like that. Eventually, they reached their location.

"Ahh the rain village, how I missed you" Yushin fell to his knees hugging the ground.

"Well thanks for taking me this far, it means a lot. I'm kinda surprised no one attacked" he sighed.

"Why do you say that?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, i'm important to this village, i'm the leaders son. Your friend Naruto Uzumaki sure knows how to spread peace everywhere, or maybe no one attacked because I was with a Hyuga heiress and the Uchiha heir" he smiled brightly.

"I'm not intimidating, that's all Sasuke" Hinata giggled.

"So, do you guys wanna stay here tonight? A festival is going to happen soon!"

"U-Uh, is it okay Sasuke-kun?" Hinata innocently looked up at him, in his eyes she looked absolutely cute right now.


Hinata jumped and squealed.

"How did you understand what he said?" Yushin was confused by it.

"His tone i guess, it's easy to understand" she

"Where are we staying?" Sasuke asked.

"Actually, there's an extra cabin for special guests so you both could stay there if that's ok. It's just up the hill"

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