Mission Hanabi pt 1

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*ALRIGHT GUYS SO THE STORY I WAS BRAINSTORMING ON IS GONNA HAPPEN AFTER THIS ONE. I connected the points and everything so yessssss. I can't wait to make it😩😩🤌🏼🤌🏼*

They were traveling on Sai's birds. Sasuke decided to take him and Hinata on Garuda.

Hinata had her byakugan activated, looking for any clues.

Then she seen something shiny.

"S-Sasuke-kun" Hinata pointed down at the ground.

Garuda flew downwards, they landed.

"What's that?" Sasuke asked. Hinata turned around holding a kunai with a little toy attached to it.

"Hanabi's kunai.." Hinata looked down at it, she took out her bag and gently out it in there.

"Are you cold?" Sasuke asked worriedly.

She shook her head "I-I'm fine"

"If you get cold let me know, alright?" Sasuke eyed her.

"Okay, thank you Sasuke-kun. Let's go tell Shikamaru-kun what we found" Hinata walked back to Garuda.

They started to fly again.

"Hinata, do you see anything?" Shikamaru asked.

"There's a glowing spring at the bottom of the cave" Hinata looked at Shikamaru.

"Alright let's go check it out guys" Sai said flying downwards.

They got off the birds then headed in.

Hinata pat Garuda's beak and said goodbye.

Sasuke loves how she's still the same as always.

"Hinata can you see what's in the water? I mean, it looks weird so maybe it's chakra water" Shikamaru shook his head.

"My visions distorted" Hinata puffed her cheek out.

"Guys, the water.. you can't get wet" Sakura said putting her arm in the water.

"Yeah, it's true" Sai said.

"Let's go" Sasuke commanded.

Everyone dove in swimming downwards until, everyone's vision went white.

"Sasuke-kun...!" Hinata yelled before her mind went blank.

"Hi-" Sasuke just seen white.

"You can live with me"

"Are you sure Sasuke-kun?"

"Yeah, I'm not necessarily alone anymore because you you three"

"Thank you so much!"


Why am I reliving this?

Hinata, where are you?

"I love you, Sasuke-kun"

I can hear those words everyday and never be tired of it.

"S-Sasuke-kun? I-I'm s-sorry to hear a-about your family. I want to give y-you this, f-father says that you p-probably haven't e-eaten in a-a while. I f-felt bad s-so here" Hinata shook her head.

She was only talking to herself in a mirror. She found Sasuke pretty intimidating.

Hinata was going to give me food after the massacre.. I wish she would of, life would of probably been way less lonely. We would of been closer together too.

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