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The next day, Sasuke was in the hokage tower with Kakashi. They both were talking about Sasuke leaving for a while and protect konoha from outside.

Kakashi things they'd be good for him so of course he's going to let him go.

"Ok. I'll let you go. But through out the time you're gone, i'll send a ninja to give you things like scrolls and ect. I wouldn't have a bird do it just in case. So contact me where you are once every month" Kakashi leaned back in the chair.

Sasuke nodded.

"Don't send loud annoying people" Sasuke rubbed his head.

"Ah, okay. You can't tell anyone about it alright?" Kakashi smiled.

"Ok that's fine" Sasuke rested his chin on his palm.

*knock knock knock*

"Come in" Kakashi said a little loudly.

"Hi Kakashi sensei" Hinata came in, she had mission clothes on.

"Hey Hinata, I heard you want a mission?" Kakashi asked.

"Mhm" she smiled.

"Alright so the only mission I have right now is to body guard someone going to the rain village. It might take two days, is that ok?" Kakashi sat up putting his chin on his hands.

Hinata nodded.

"Alright, you can leave soon. So tell me why you requested a mission" Kakashi was interested in what she was gonna say.

"U-Um, last night a lot of stuff happened. So, me and Naruto-kun broke up-" Hinata started crying now.

"Uhm. He still loves Sakura, they even kissed, it was a game b-but it was more intimate and yeah" Hinata tried to wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry i'm crying so much" her voice was very shaky.

Kakashi looked at Sasuke, he just nodded.

"That doesn't sound good. You can come back in a week alright? So next tuesday you can come back, or anytime you want to " Kakashi went up to her.

He rested his hands on her shoulders and told her she can take as long as she needs. He tried his best to comfort her.

"Thank you sensei" Hinata smiled.

"So, you wouldn't mind if Sasuke goes with you hm?"

"If he has things to do he doesn't have to go. If he wants to he can"

Sasuke was surprised. He didn't know Kakashi would pull something like that.

"Good. You both can leave now if you like, just meet me at the gate in 20 minutes ok? Now you guys get out and go get your things" Kakashi walked back to his seat.

Hinata and Sasuke nodded then walked out.

"I'm sorry if i ruined your plans. I didn't know he was going to make us go together" Hinata looked down at her feet.

"Yeah i had things in mind but it's ok" Sasuke just kept walking.

"Are you sure?" Hinata looked up at him.

"Yeah, we both need to get away from this place for a bit" he took a quick glance at her.

"I'm already ready so i'll walk with you to your place" Sasuke said.

"Alright. I just need to get some food ready and grab my pouch"

When they got to the compound Hinata told Sasuke he could come in if he wanted.

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