Back to Konoha

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Sasuke, hurry back to the village. Something bad happened. Hanabi was kidnapped, were sending a rescue mission out to get her. Try and hurry back.

Sasuke quickly got up. He left the village for two years to catch the thieves. He already caught them, but decided to be gone a little longer. He felt wrong for being able to have freedom still.

He started making his way towards Konoha quickly.

He knew that was Hinata's beloved little sister. He needs to be there for his girlfriend.

It's crazy to him, his first time seeing Hinata in two years is when her sister gets kidnapped.

I'll be home soon, Hinata.

After a long long time, he's back in Konoha.

As he walked through the gates everyone gave him death glares. He didn't care about that, he needed to find Hinata.

"Sasuke? Is that you?" Kakashi asked.

"Where's Hinata" Sasuke asked but it sounded more commanding.

"At the Uchiha compound-" Kakashi was cut off when Sasuke teleported away.

Hinata felt a strong chakra come up behind her.

She quickly turned and activated her byakugan.

"S-Sasuke-kun?" Hinata stood in shock.

Tears were rolling down her face. She was still frozen.

Sasuke took a step towards her, but stopped when Hinata ran full speed towards him.

She had gotten a lot quicker than he remembered.

"Sasuke-kunn" Hinata started crying.

He didn't say anything at all, he just held her tightly in his embrace.

She fell to the ground covering her face. Sasuke just held her in his arms.

"Mama, we're home-oh" Yuma and Rento walked into the room.

Rento took out a kunai then ran at Sasuke.

Sasuke grabbed his hand.

"You both have gotten much bigger" Sasuke smirked.

Yuma ran up to Hinata and kissed her face all over.

"Mama, don't cry" he wrapped his little arms around her neck.

Hinata smiled a little then wiped her eyes.

She stood up holding Yuma.

"I'm sorry i cried" Hinata looked away from Sasuke.

"It's okay, I understand" Sasuke smiled.

Hinata sat Yuma down. "We're leaving in an hour Sasuke-kun. Please stay here with Yuma and Rento." Hinata said picking up her mission clothes.

"What?" Sasuke felt offended. Why won't she go with him?

"Naruto-kun is going with me, same as Sakura-chan, Sai-kun, and Shikamaru-kun" Hinata walked to the bathroom.

"No, i'm going with you" Sasuke demanded.

"Sasuke-kun-" Hinata was cut off when Sasuke walked up to her.

He hugged her tightly.

"I'm going with you guys. I'll go talk to Kakashi about it now. Rento, Yuma, you two come with me" Sasuke started walking away with them both.

White they were walking out the door, Sasuke made them go first. Hinata ran up behind him and hugged him tightly.

Sasuke turned around to look at her.

"Welcome home Sasuke-kun" Hinata gave him a broken smile.

He poked her head then smiled at her.

She smiled back and went to go get her mission gear on.

"Kakashi, i'm going with Hinata" Sasuke barged trough the door sounding pissed off.

"No, we already got everyone ready for it" Kakashi gave him an attitude.

"No, Hinata is my girlfriend. I'm going with her" Sasuke hissed.

Naruto stood up.

Sasuke picked up Yuma and Rento "You watch them while i'm with Hinata"

"But teme, i was supposed to go" Naruto pouted.

"No, i'm going with her. No one's gonna stop me. If i'm not here, who will watch the village hm? I protect Konoha from outside. You protect it from inside" Sasuke knew he said reasonable things right there.

Kakashi sighed.

"Fine, Sasuke you are now apart of this mission. Naruto you're staying here" Kakashi sighed.

"That's not fair!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke grabbed him by the collar.

"Hinata is going through a lot. I'm her boyfriend so i'm going with her. Stay out of it" Sasuke growled.

Naruto just sat down pouting.

*knock knock*

"Come in" Kakashi scratched his head.

"Oh, Hinata" Naruto got up and hugged her.

"Hi, Naruto-kun"Hinata hugged him back.

Sasuke looked at her, she looked amazing in the new mission clothes. He seen how much her body changed.

Shit, he wasn't complaining. But right now wasn't the time for such thoughts.

"Sasuke-kun" Hinata ran into his embrace.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi.

"Naruto, Kakashi, i'm counting on you to watch these two" Sasuke held Rento's hand.

Yuma was holding onto Hinata's hand.

"Alright, the rest of the team should be at the gates by now, so let's go hm?" Kakashi stood up heading out the door.

"Let's go guys" Hinata was still holding Yuma's hand.

Sasuke could see the sadness in her eyes. She just wanted to get her sister back.

"Bye sweeties i'll come back soon" Hinata kissed Yuma and Rento's cheeks.

"Bye Mama, come back safe" Yuma hugged her.

"Bye Hinata-san, come back safely" Rento also hugged her.

"I told you drop the san, Rento" Hinata scolded.

"Hehe, i'm sorry" Rento gave her a sad smile.

"Don't worry, I can protect her" Sasuke smiled at them.

They both nodded then waved bye.

*This weekend i'm officially not doing anything for you guys. Plus i really don't wanna go out, feeling lazy as hell. But i really forgot some of what happens in the last so if it's everywhere i'm so so sorry guys. I could watch it again but i'm listing to music right now and that keeps me focused and motivated <3

I'm sorry i take forever to update. School really sucks man. So much unnecessary work.

Thanks for reading 🖤🦋*

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