Mission Hanabi pt 2

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Hinata, don't leave..

"Hinata!" Sasuke sat right up.

"Finally, you're awake" Shikamaru crouched down.

"Yeah, you kept saying Hinata's name for the past three days. Sakura healed you nonstop for a long time. She's resting now" Sai smiled.

Sasuke didn't say anything, instead he was processing everything that went down with him and Hinata.

"Sasuke-kun, we're done"

"We're done"

Sasuke felt a pain in his chest.

"Look, I don't care about what happened between you and Hinata, but you, more than anyone, should know she did that for a reason. There's no way she would be capable of hurting someone like that. You should know. It doesn't matter how long you're gone for, she will always be the same" Shikamaru explained.

Then, it hit Sasuke.

"Before she went with Toneri, she said she was sorry... I didn't know what she meant, maybe it was because of this...?" Sasuke held his head in his hands sighing.

"Like I said, she wouldn't do anything like that without a reason. You should know to trust her" Shikamaru stood up.

Sai smiled at Sasuke and agreed what Shikamaru was saying. 

Sasuke went to Sakura since she was the one keeping him alive.

"Sakura" Sasuke looked at her.

She slowly opened her eyes.

"Hmmm, Sasuke-kun? You're finally awake" Sakura smiled.

Sasuke nodded.

"We need to find Hinata so get up" Sasuke said.

"Hey Sasuke-kun.." Sakura sat up then pat then bed so he can sit.

He stood where he was still, not moving a bit. He didn't trust her.

"Sasuke-kun, I don't love you no more. I accepted you and Hinata are happy together" Sakura smiled happily.

"Yeah" Sasuke smirked.

"I know she "left" you and all but there was a good reason. She's Hinata, after all" Sakura stood up.

"Yeah, let's go now" Sasuke walked out the door.

"Hey! Wait" Sakura called out.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"Um, i'm sorry for what i had about you and Hinata before... at the party. I didn't mean it.." Sakura spoke quieter and quieter.

"You meant it, but it's fine. I'm happy with Hinata, and she's happy with me" Sasuke said in monotone.

"No-!" Sakura was cut off by Sasuke.

"Don't say anything. I don't care about it nor do i think about it" Sasuke walked out of the room and went to go pack his things.

Sakura smiled. She was happy he and Hinata are happy together.

"I'm going ahead" Sasuke summoned Garuda.

"Alright, we'll catch up soon" Shikamaru said still packing.

"Try to hurry" Sasuke said then flew off.

Sasuke used his Sharingan to detect her chakra.

He sensed it a little bit, he wasn't sure where.

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