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"Sasuke-kun, look" Hinata pointed at the fireworks. They both lost Yushin so they're doing their own thing.

"Isn't he cute?" some random woman was talking to her friends.

"Oh, are you visiting?" another one asked.

"Is that girl your girlfriend??" another one spoke.

Sasuke just ignored them.

"Hey, we're talking to you" the first girl said about to touch Sasuke.

Hinata wrapped her arm with his then started walking.

The girls all got jealous so they walked away pouting.

Hinata wanted to get him out of that uncomfortable situation.

"Thank you" Sasuke let out a breath.

"No problem. That'd make me uncomfortable too so i'd want someone to do the same" Hinata looked up at him.


"N-Nothing!" Hinata looked away.

"Heh, you're weird" Sasuke smiled a little bit.

Hinata swore she lost her soul. His smile was so beautiful. She wanted to see it more.

The fire works looked beautiful and all but Hinata didn't care about them no more. She stopped and looked right into his eyes.

"Sasuke-kun, can we talk about something?"

"Sure. What do you want to talk about"

"I-I just want to say t-that um. I think you're so cool and i like you. C-Can we be good friends? You make me happy and everything. I hope i do the same back, so if you ever need me, or need to talk to me let me know please and i'll gladly try and help!" Hinata smiled.

She was going to say she likes him likes him but she thought it was too soon.

Sasuke felt immense happiness. He hugged Hinata tightly.

"Thank you Hinata"

That was his first time calling her Hinata face to face.

Hinata hugged him back and giggled a little.

They both got out of the hug then started walking around more.

"Sasuke-kun, do you want to get cinnamon rolls?" Hinata looked at the shop.

"If you want, sure" Sasuke walked towards the shop.

"Hello mr, mrs" the woman smiled.

"We're not together.." Hinata looked at the lady.

"Oh! My apologies!" shes quickly said.

"Hmmmm. Can we get 7 cinnamon rolls please" Hinata was basically drooling for them.

"Yes miss" the lady walked away.

"7?" Sasuke asked Hinata.

"Yes. Cinnamon rolls are really good" Hinata giggled.

Sasuke seen a tomato stand and couldn't resist.

He walked quickly to the person selling. Sasuke grabbed 4 tomatoes.

"Is that all?"

Sasuke nodded. He payed and left. But the thing is he couldn't find Hinata.

He got too excited for tomatoes.

"Thank you so much miss!"

"No problem little guys"

Sasuke heard Hinata speak.

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