I Like You

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~Hinata's pov~
"U-Um, Sasuke-kun. I know you don't feel the same but-" I was cut off by Sasuke's lips on mine. m

After about 30 nice, long, perfect seconds of us kissing, I backed away for air.

"S-Sasuke-kun" I covered my face quickly.

Sasuke grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him.

He's hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him too, digging my face into his chest.

"Hinata, I like you... I've never had these feeling towards anyone before. Not even towards Sakura.." Sasuke was still hugging me.

"But?" I asked.

"I'm leaving for my journey soon. I'm sorry. Plus things have been happening outside of Konoha and i need to check it out for Kakashi" Sasuke looked into my eyes.

I looked into his eyes right back "I'll go with you" I demanded.

"No, it's too dangerous and I can't have you getting hurt. I don't trust anyone else with Rento or Yuma afterwards" Sasuke grabbed my shoulders.

"But I want to go with you, Sasuke-kun"

"I said no, it's too dangerous Hinata. If you got hurt while with me i wouldn't be able to forgive myself. And what about the boys?"

"I wish i would of said something sooner. I'm sorry Sasuke-kun"

"Don't apologize. I've been confused about how i feel for a long time now. I should say sorry to you instead"

"How long will you be gone for ?" I watched his facial expression change, he looks more sad.

"I'm not sure yet.."

I wanted to cry, i don't want him seeing me as a crybaby so i stayed quiet.

"I'll talk to Kakashi about it now. Could you go home with the boys please. I'll be back soon alright? We will talk later" Sasuke walked into the office. I followed him shortly after.

"Rento, Yuma, give Kakashi sensei a cinnamon roll and let's go now hm?" Hinata smiled at the two of them.

"Here, Lord Sixth" Rento held up the box so Kakashi can chose one.

"Hehe, thank you" Kakashi smiled.

"Goodbye Kakashi sensei" Hinata waved.

"Bye Hinata, see you later" Kakashi waved.

"Sasuke, what happened out there?" Kakashi sat up.

"Naruto got pissed off at Hinata when she rejected him. He almost hurt her but i stopped him in time thank kami. Who knows what could of happened then" Sasuke sighed.

"That's not like Naruto at all. He must really like her for him to act that way" Kakashi sighed.

"I'm going on my journey when I look for those thieves. I'll come back and send you the information I find on them" Sasuke looked at Kakashi.

"Really? What about Hinata?" Kakashi asked.

"She's not going. I don't want her to get hurt at all. Plus she needs to stay with Rento and Yuma"

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right"

"Kakashi, when do I leave?" Sasuke was more worried this time.

"I'm not sure. It depends on how fast you are and how much longer they can keep covering their tracks. But right now i'll give you two weeks" Kakashi said.

"Alright. I'll talk to Hinata about it"

"See you later Sasuke, good luck" Kakashi smiled.

"Yeah" Sasuke walked out.

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