#3 - So be it that we are living together!

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"I am fine," I pushed Gram and Yok away as I am suffocating from their hugs. They returned to their seats after being pushed away. Sean asked with his usual emotionless expression, "Should we go to class now since it will be starting soon?" "Let's go, let's go!" Yok said while getting up and the rest of us followed him. We returned our plates to the plates collection point before heading back towards the classroom.

I don't understand why they have to climb the stairs instead of taking the lift when the classroom is at the fifth floor. I am panting heavily and decided to grab onto Gram who is in front of me. Yok looked at me with concern, "Are you going to die soon? Why are you panting so heavily?" I asked, "I am tired, why don't we take the lift instead?"

All three of them looked at me as though I am out of this world. Sean did not even blinked his eyes at all especially.

What the hell did I do wrong again this time?

I questioned, "Why are all of you looking at me?" Yok explained to me while displaying a dismayed expression, "It will be weird if we don't look at you. Black, you have once said that you do not like to be kept in small enclosed zones. During our freshman year, you were trapped in the lift with Sean due to malfunction. Within the ten minutes that you are trapped, Sean told us that you were hiding in one corner and hugging yourself. We have agreed since then that we will not take the lift unless it is more than five floors."

Dead silence was back again once Yok has finished. Although I am twins with Black, I do not know what he like or dislike since we do not live together. Black has never mentioned to me this incident ever before hence I do not know anything about it.

Gram slapped my head, "Why do you keep forgetting things when you have yet to grow old? What's wrong with you?" He pulled my hand off this shirt before continuing climbing up the stairs.

I have asthma, hence I get tired easily when it comes to strenuous activities. Should I tell them since this is actually not a joke to me?

Sean was looking at me back with the expression when we have just met – cold and filled with suspicions. I was scared out of my wits and decided to make my way up without looking at him. However, I was panting even more now as I climbed.

"Hey! Wait a moment," Sean tried to stop the two persons who was hurrying up the stairs. I do not know why Sean have to walk at my back since I am obviously the slowest one here. Gram yelled down the stairs, "What the hell is up?" Sean shouted back, "I don't think Black can climb anymore. I will take him to the lift."


He definitely knows! My older brother is as fit as an Ox, but I am different. I am a bit sickly compared to him – I am unable to do overly strenuous activities. This has always bothered me since young. Dot and Da has known of my condition and never allows me to overexert myself.

"What the hell!" Gram screamed.

Sean offered his arm towards me, "Hold onto me." I looked at his arm, then at him and can see that he is looking at me too. "Do you want to hold onto me? If you mind, you can grab my sleeve instead. I will take you to the lift."

I grumbled while holding onto his arm, "Alright alright. You do not need to be this fierce." Sean took me to the third storey where the lift is. The lift came within a few minutes and we reached the fifth soon after. Well, it's from third to fifth floor anyway. I believe that both Gram and Yok has already reached when we were waiting for the lift.

Gram and Yok was looking at us weirdly when the lift door opens at the fifth floor. "What's wrong with the both of you? It is just two floors," Gram asked. Sean took my chin and turned my face left and right. I let him do whatever he is doing without protest. "He looks like he is going to faint anytime," Sean said. Yok asked me, "Are you okay, Black? Is there anything wrong?"

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