#1 - Introduction

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"White, do you know where Dot have been?"

I have rose my head to look instinctively in the direction of my charismatic friend upon his questioning. This friend of mine is Da, and I would say he is more like a brother to me, same as Dot whom he is asking about his whereabouts.

The three of us are currently studying Architecture in the same private university which many considered as one of the best in this region. The reason behind our unbreakable bond is due to the fact that we do not have much friends and are always late to classes.

I angrily grumbled, "Damn, I would like to know where the hell he is too! He hasn't been picking up any of my calls yesterday!"  I have made multiple calls to Dot yesterday because I want to consult him on something that has been bothering me. Isn't it a given for brothers to share burdens but where the hell he is when I need him?

Without the need of me to introduce myself, you would have know that I am White by now. I stand at 1.75m tall and is the shortest between the three of us. Although I am not as charismatic as Dot is, I wouldn't consider myself as very plain either. Just your regular student with average looks.

I have an older twin brother, Black and we are separated by 3 minutes at birth. Our parents have divorced 15 years ago when we are 5. We were raised separately since then.

Since our father is financially stable, I have been given good education and upbringing since young and was always offered the best that he could afford. For Black, our mother has refused any form of help since divorce and was struggling to raise Black on her own. There was only so much that she could gave to Black and hence Black is currently in one of the worst subsided government university. All he does is to fight and brawl when he doesn't like the person standing in his way.

A week back, Black was beaten up till the point he has to be hospitalized. He refused to tell me about the people who have done this to him. After much effort on my own, I have found out that it was the doing of one of his close circle of friends and decided to investigate on my own since he refused adamantly to even mention anything about it. However, I will need to consult my dear friend, Dot which has gone MIA before diving my nose into it. Where the hell he could be?!

Da spectulated, "Hmm, might he be in some bar drinking away since he is not picking my calls either?" I cursed vermently, "Does he even has any friends that can put up with him other than us to drink with?!"

I am anxious on this matter as today is the last day of school for the second semester. Since Black is in a different University, their schedules are not the same as mine. I have managed to find out that their second semester is just starting, hence I would go there to take the place of Black for my investigation purposes. I wanted to inform both Dot and Da that I will not be attending the summer classes in our University since I have to be at Black's.

"You are right, Hahaha," Da laughed. Before Da could continue with his sentence, Dot has appeared in front of us. "Ha, see, our dear friend is finally here when we are talking about him..." I wanted to continue to lash out at Dot but stopped abruptly when I glanced at his face.

"Eh, what happened to you Dot?" The state of his face has really scared the living lights out of me and could have been nothing other than being fiercely beaten up. Although I have asked, I do not really want to know the exact details of the beating.

"Damn it, this hurts way too much" Dot screamed before sitting down beside me and continued, "Well, I have gotten into a bit of an accident"

Da, being unsympathetic, asked, "Oh so which tree or lamppost have you crashed into?" Dot could not help but gave a soft forced laughter since his face is still hurting.

"Stop being nosy, Da"

"I am sad that you didn't knew nosy is my specialty after all the years we have been together, aww" Da replied sarcastically.

"Dipshit, can you look at my mouth and have one ounce of sympathy," Dot was bearing with the pain of his mouth as he continued his bickering with Da. All I did was to laugh at his misery on my end.

"Are you really in immense pain?" I asked. "That goes without saying," Dot answered before continuing. "Lets talk about you instead. Why have you called me so many times when I was busy getting beaten up yesterday?"

I take it as a chance for me to speak about the matter with Black. However, Dot seems to be not focusing on what I am speaking about. "Bastard, are you listening to what I am saying?"

"Yes, yes. Of course I am. Please continue." I continued  although his actions are contradicting with his words, "I will not be attending the summer classes in short because of Black's matters. I need to get to the bottom of his issue. What about the both of you? Going for the classes?"

"I have yet to decide" Dot replied "Da?"
"Well, the decision lies in your hands, Dot,"

"Arent you interested in what happened to me instead since I am here?" Dot grumbled as he rubbed his cheek. I wasn't paying attention to Dot's story about how he lost a hefty sum of money due to soccer betting and his sister offering loan to him under the condition that he will follow her boyfriend whom she has cheating suspicions on. I was too busy thinking of Black's issue.

I picked up my phone to look through the photos of my brother's circle of close friends while Dot and Da were chatting away on how Dot's injuries came about.

The first guy in the photo is Sean. The expressions he have on his photos are all the same - stoic and unreadable. He seems to be inseparable from my brother in all the photos. His relation with my brother seems to be the best although I don't get to spend much time with him and he has never mentioned anything about them in the time we are together. Speaking about Sean's appearance, there is only word - perfection.

Moving onto the second guy, Gram.
This guy likes to make weird expressions with his eyebrows in photos and likes to smile a lot. He looks like an easy going guy that many girls may fall for due to his smiles. However, I am sure he is isn't what he looks since he's hanging around Black.

I have to take a deep breathe while looking at his last friend, Yok.
Although he is my brother's drinking buddy, they don't look like the best of friends. Yok's appearance is fierce with eyes that are closed to a line when smiling and has a lanky physique. I am thinking that he may be an impulsive guy who acts without much thought.

I was so frustrated looking at them and thinking of who could have possibly done what they did to my brother. I was tousling my hair in frustration which have captured the attention of Dot and Da who were busy chatting.

"White, how do you think Dot should proceed?" Shit, I was so engrossed in Black's friends that I wasn't even listening to Dot. "Hmm, just carry on with whatever he is doing I guess" I blurted out without even knowing what it is about.

I heaved a sigh of relief when they went back to whatever they were talking about.

Whatever, I shall stop thinking so much and impose as Black to find out what is exactly happening.

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