Part One: The Storm

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I watched as the lightning brought brightness to the dimly lit compound and it showed the trash heap that was my home. I hated lightning, always have, but I never knew why. Whether I liked it or not, this was where I lived. I tossed my knife up slightly in the air, catching it by the handle and throwing it at a small target hung on the wall. I hit the target, right in the bullseye. Again. Day by day I get more and more bored with this life.

Since the Solar Flares, life had been difficult, especially for the kids who got taken by WICKED. If your Immune, your taken, if your not then you turn into a Crank. Either way it feels like you loose.

"You know," a loud voice echoed and I turned to the girl who spoke. "You should at least try to look a little more excited when you hit a target like that."

"How long have you been watching me Brenda?" I asked and the girl smirked, coming closer to me. She was around my height, short dark brown hair and a strong personality. She's been like a sister to me since we were kids, knowing each other since elementary school. When the Solar Flares hit, Brenda and her bother lost their parents so me and my dad, Jorge, took her in while WICKED took him.

"Long enough." Brenda said, taking the knife off the target and handing it to me. I took it with an attempt at a smile.

Unlike me, Brenda was totally content with her life here. I think she thought that we were living, surviving, but not thriving. She knew that my dad was losing control of this place with each new group of people that came. We hadn't had any others join our ranks recently, which was good, the less people the better. Normally the people who did find their way here were a bunch of assholes who think they're better then everyone else.

I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed this life. It may have been a foolish dream but all I wanted to do was leave, explore the scorched world. Staying in this abandoned warehouse wasn't the life I wanted. Little did Brenda or my father know that this was exactly what I had been planning to do. For at least a month I had been planning on packing a bag and just leaving, never turning back. This storm definitely put those plans on hold.

Of course, the last thing I wanted to do was leave them, but they didn't show any signs of leaving this place behind. I understood why, there was so much work put in to make this place the way it was, but I couldn't stay. There were also memories, good but mainly bad memories that I wanted to get rid of. I thought leaving would make me feel better, whether it would I wasn't sure.

"Is he still listening to the radio?" I asked her and Brenda sighed with an almost disappointed smile.

"Of course he is, what else would he be doing?" Brenda huffed and I laughed slightly.

"C'mon Bren, let the man dream." I told her but she rolled her eyes, sitting on a backwards chair as she watched me throw the knife again, and again hitting the bullseye like it was nothing.

"Dreams aren't reality (Y/n), you know that." Brenda said and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Dreams can be realities of you tried hard enough." I told her, but I don't know if that was me speaking to her or the girl who wanted her own dream to be a reality speaking.

"So you believe in the Right Arm?" Brenda asked with her eyebrows raised. I sighed, pulling out another knife to throw.

That was a good question, did I really believe the Right Arm, a rebellion group fighting against WICKED, was real? I didn't necessarily believe in the Right Arm, but I didn't deny it's existence. Maybe it was out there, but it's not like they'd take me in if I found them. I'm normal, not immune.

"I believe that there is more to this life then this dank warehouse." I told her and I swear I heard her eye roll. Let's just say that I was very open on my opinions about this place.

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