Part Eighteen: The Boy With The Red Gas Mask

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The sun had only just risen an hour ago but it was already hot in the compound, making me sweat. I was sharpening my blades, even though I wasn't allowed to without my father with me. But at some point I had to know how to do these things on my own. After I had sharpened them for a while, I felt that I was done.

I put my knives in their holsters and stood, knowing that I had to do something else. I walked around the compound, feeling bored out of my mind because Brenda was gone. She always had something fun to do. Instead I looked for my mother, whom of which I hadn't seen in a while.

"Mom?" I called, my voice echoing through the open space. "Mom, where are you?" I asked but I got no reply. I decided to investigate, finding my way to her room. The door was shut, so I slowly opened it. It creaked loudly but when I was fully inside, I found that the room was empty.

Now I had something to do. I had to find my mother.


A cloud of dust erupted from the ground as the missiles rained down from the sky. My father covered me with his body as we ran. There was screaming and crying as people were being flung left and right. Another shot fired, shaking the ground and sending even more people flying in air. I didn't look back, knowing you never look back when running.

The shots were all over the place, but clearly aimed at the crowd, us included. It made me think, considering the surprised faces from the crowd, that this has never happened before. It also made me think that maybe, just maybe, WICKED knew we were here. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

As we ran, about to get under cover, the pain in my arm radiated through my entire body, taking me off guard and making me fall to the ground. I tasted the dirt as my face slammed into it, skidding. My father quickly turned to me, the worry prominent in his face as he watched a missile coming straight for me.

"(Y/N)!" He screamed as I got to my hands and knees. He was about to run to me but two big men stopped him, dragging him away as he fought.


I covered my face from the dirt cloud that ate me whole. I coughed and tried getting up, but I was disoriented from the loud sounds and the shaking ground like an earthquake. Before anything else could happen, I could feel two arms wrap under my arms and pull me up and over their shoulder. They ran me out of the line of fire, throwing me into one of their vans and driving away quickly.

"(Y/n)?" A boy called but there was a loading of a gun and the boy stopped. "Woah! Woah! Wait! Just let me check on her!"

After the boy had said this, it took a minute but the man put down his gun. I suddenly felt two hands shake my shoulders and I looked up to face Thomas as he looked back at me worriedly.

"What happened?" I asked, confused and Thomas shook his head, obviously shaken up and is still processing himself. I looked around to see who else was in the van but I found that it was only me, Thomas, and the men with gas masks. Specifically the man with the red tinted gas mask.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked and I nodded as he helped me to sit normally.

"Where are they? Where are the others?" I asked and Thomas shook his head, about to open his mouth but was cut off.

"Hey, you two, shut up." A man, not the one with the red gas mask, yelled at us and I glared at him.

"(Y/n), don't do it." Thomas warned, which was weird coming from him.

"What are ya gonna do little girl, bite me?" The man said and he laughed, nudging the guy in the red gas mask but he didn't laugh.

"What did you do to them?" I asked strait faced and the man stared at me seriously.

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