Part Twenty-Six: Voices In My Head

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She leapt for me and I jumped away, screaming and crying as my own mother chased me down like a rabid animal. I made a bolt for the stairs, thinking it would be a safe option. When your a kid, the room that makes you feel safest is your own. At least, that's how it was for me so that's where I found myself going.

As I ran up the stairs, feeling more scared then I ever have in my entire life, I felt a hand latch on to my leg and pull me down. My little head smashed against the concrete step and I felt the blood trickle down the side of my head. Before I could get up, I felt my mother grab me and turn me around so that I was facing her.

She screeched in my face, the liquid in her mouth spraying across my face. I cried hard as my mother raised a knife over my head, ready to lay it down on me. When she did, I moved my head out of the way just in time for her to miss my head but I felt the knife go through the side of my neck. I screamed as she pulled the knife out slowly, putting me through more pain.

While she was distracted, I took my foot and slammed it into the women's rib. She doubled over in pain while I got up, covering my rapidly bleeding neck, and climbing up the stairs. Once I made it to the top, I tried crossing the platform that lead to the other side. I thought I was going to make it until I felt my head being jerked back by the Crank who had grabbed hold of my hair.

She turned me around once again and wrapped her big hands around my tiny neck. When she started squeezing my airway shut, I started panicking, kicking and scratching but to no avail.

"Oh, you want me to let you go?" This was the first time I had heard my Crank mother speak and it was raspy and broken, it wasn't my real mother. "Fine." She said and I could feel her lift me off the ground.

Then, my mother threw me off of the platform.

The voices called to me, they beckoned for me to let them in, but I refused. I was making it, but only barely, my body weakening by the minute. Minho and Newt pulled me along while Gally and Thomas took the lead. Since the explosion of the wall, we had heard loud angry shouts in the distance, but they've been just that, distant, we just hoped it stayed that way.

"The tunnels are just up ahead." Gally said as he lead us through an ally between two buildings to the other side.

"You hear that?" Newt asked, trying to get me to respond but I didn't have the will to speak, having stayed quiet since the park. "We're almost there."

"Hold on for us (Y/n), your doing great, just keep going." Minho assured but I think my silence scared him more then anything as I tried so hard to keep my head up.

By now, the black veins had completely covered my neck to the point where I couldn't cover it anymore. My body was doused in sweat, my hair was matted and askew, and every part of my body screamed out in pain. But that didn't even come close to my head.

There was a constant buzzing like a thousand bees invading my brain. There was a pounding that wouldn't go away and wouldn't give me a break, not even once. And the voices, they were telling me to let go, telling me to give in while Minho told me to stay strong. I was conflicted, but ultimately chose to fight until I couldn't anymore.

Just as we had gotten to the other side of the ally, Gally swore under his breath as he ducked down. Confused, I looked to see a big group of soldiers waiting with their guns in hand and plenty of vehicles. We all joined Gally as he waved us forward.

"Stay low!" Gally whispered harshly as the boys rested me against a concrete slab that blocked us all from view.

Thomas turned around the corner to get a better look and I could hear the heavy footsteps of more soldiers and more cars pulling in with wailing sirens. Thomas turned back around, sitting next to me while Minho stayed in front of me, holding my hand tightly.

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