Part Fifteen: The Empty Seat

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I sat with my legs dangling over the edge of the shipping container. Below me are probably a bunch of scared kids who have no idea what is going on. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and let all my thoughts go to rest. There was no need to worry anymore now that we had Minho. All we had to do was be ready for the Safe Haven right when we got back which won't be a problem. I was pretty sure people were already packing when we left.

My lonely silence was interrupted when Thomas found himself sitting to my right and Newt on my left. They, like me, looked out into the Scorch and watched as the ocean came into view.

"I can't believe that worked." Thomas said, smiling with a scoff.

"I knew it would." Newt said and Thomas looked deeply into the blondie's eyes.

"Hey, if you guys are going to start making out then I'll move." I said and the two laughed, Newt nudging my shoulder with his. I took a deep breath, looking down to my feet and then the shipping container we were sitting on.

"You think they're scared?" Newt asked and I took a breath.

"Probably, but they'll be okay. I hope." Thomas said in return and I nodded in agreement. If they survived WICKED, they could survive a little scare. I wondered if they thought that we were bad people too? That maybe they weren't saved.

"What do you think WICKED did to them?" I asked and Newt shook his head.

"I don't know, but I do know that they've probably been through hell." He said and I put my hand on his back, giving it a reassuring rub.

"You think Aris and Sonya are in there too?" I then asked and Thomas shrugged.

"I hope so." He said and I nodded, looking out to the horizon as we flew over the beach. I could see the new Right Arm camp in the distance and couldn't stop myself from smiling, knowing that Minho was going to love it. But then, when Minho came to mind, something in my brain clicked. Obviously, the boys both noticed it as they both kind of stared at me.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong love?" Newt asked and Thomas joined in.

"Yeah, we were all just smiling a second ago."

I hesitated at first, thinking it was a really stupid thing to be worried about, but come to think of it, not really.

"Well..." I started, pausing for a second. "It's just... I don't know, what if Minho doesn't have feelings for me anymore?" I finally spit out and both boys looked taken aback.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked me and I twiddled my thumbs as the words kinda just fell out.

"I donno, it's been six months and he only knew me for, what, three days?" I said and I felt this feeling rising up inside my stomach, I was scared.

"Listen here (Y/n)." Newt said matter-of-factly, "I have never seen Minho fall for someone like he fell for you."

"I'm sure he didn't exactly have any girls to fall for in the Glade." I reminded him.

"Okay, true, but even so, Minho fell hard for you. I wouldn't worry about it." Thomas assured and it made me feel a little bit better, but not enough as it should.

"He probably knew other girls longer then he knew me, I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot me in general." I said but both boys scoffed.

"You are unforgettable (Y/n), especially when you made such a big first impression." Newt said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and holding me close.

"I hope so." I said as I continued to look out into the horizon.

The berg had dropped off the shipping container next to a building at the camp. It was a broken dock but it did the trick. For the last six months, this was where we all lived. It wasn't perfect, the ocean was cluttered with broken down taker ships, the buildings were basically crumbling, and the place was littered with debris. But with some work, we made it into something it wasn't before. Plus, the sunsets weren't half bad here.

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