Part Seven: Intoxicated

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My father dragged Marcus out the back of the building and I followed shortly behind. I still felt uncomfortable considering I still had the man's blood all over my clothing and it was very obvious. My dad glanced back at me and I tried to give him a smile but it was weak.

We walked up a staircase so that we were in some kind of party room. There were couches by the broken windows where I caught site of the group. There was an empty chair where Jorge was leading the beaten Marcus. I still had the bloody knife in my hand, not wanting to put it away yet.

The moment I was in sight, Minho got up immediately and jogged over. He was followed by Aris as well, I saw Newt had stayed back with Thomas, whom of which was unconscious. I could tell that he wanted to hold the brunette's hand, the only thing stopping him was Teresa who was also there.

Minho put both his hands on my shoulder as he looked me up and down. When I looked at him, I only saw him, and I remembered what happened back at the party. We were dancing, flirting even, and the boy had leaned in so close that his lips were only an inch from mine. Then, I shook from the memory when I saw Aris who seemed a little unsettled from all the blood and the knife.

"Are you okay?" Minho asked. "When we got separated, I tried following you but just ended up lost. Then I found your dad and then we found Brenda so he went looking for you and Marcus." Minho said quickly but I just shook my head.

"It's okay, I'm fine." I assured him but he obviously didn't believe me. He took another look at me and sighed, taking off his jacket and handing it over to me. I was hesitant at first, but he took the knife from my hand, giving it to Aris, and wrapping the jacket around me. I smiled weakly and zipped it up. The jacket was baggy and my hands were covered by the arms but being in it made me feel safe, whether it was because it was Minho's I wasn't sure.

"Hey, Fry's with Brenda if you want to talk to her." Aris offered and I nodded quickly. I didn't know how worried I was about her until I found out she was safe.

"It's just, she's a little intoxicated right now." Minho warned me and that confused me, that was until I found myself sitting next to a very ditzy Brenda. The moment she saw me she smiled weirdly and laughed as if I had said something funny.

"There she is! That's my sister Fry." She said and Fry smiled wearily.

"I'll take her from here." I said and Fry nodded, standing and letting me take his place.

Brenda looked at me and I could smell the sweat that covered her body. She was pale and there were dark circles under her eyes that I hadn't noticed before. She seemed a little shaky and unstable, whatever happened to her wasn't good. At least Thomas got the pleasure of sleeping it off.

"You wanna hear something?" Brenda asked and I put on a fake smile to hide my worry.

"Hit me." I said and she laughed.

"I kissed Thomas." She said and I was taken aback.

"Really?" I asked shocked and she nodded.

"But he's an asshole, you know why?" She said slowly and slurred but I shook my head. "I'll tell you why, he pulled away and said 'your not him'. Whatever the hell that means." I couldn't help but smile at the last part.

"Yeah, what an asshole." I said and Brenda laughed. I didn't actually mean it, I was just saying it for her sake. As bad as it may sound, I was actually really excited over this new revelation. Him had to be Newt, right? Yes, it was, no question.

"You wanna hear another secret?" Brenda slurred, playing out the last word longer than the others.

"Sure." I said and the girl leaned in really close, pressing her lips close to my ear, but not touching. I could feel her warm breath against my neck as she struggled to find her words.

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