Part Ten: The Betrayer

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Me and Minho sat at the top of the small mountain, observing the camp and the view of the horizon. Minho was sitting on a rock while I was on the dirt floor, trying to get warm. Minho saw my struggle and hesitated before he wrapped me up from behind and held me as the cold breeze brushed against our cheeks.

I felt my cheeks go red and butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. He didn't look down but by the way he smiled I knew that he noticed it. I laid my head back against his chest and took a huge breath.

"I'm not very good at emotion." Minho started. "Never have been."

"That's okay." I told him, feeling my eyes shut as the sound of silence eased me into relaxation. "Neither am I."

"Okay, so if I wanted to do something, you think I should just shoot for it." He asked and I shrugged.

"It doesn't seem to be too far from your character." I said and he seemed to tense up, almost seeming a little nervous.

"Yeah, well, in a Maze full of boys, I knew exactly what I was doing. Other then Teresa and kinda Brenda, you are the only real girl I have ever met and I don't know what to do." He said and I was a little confused, not sure where he was taking this.

"Why don't you just tell me?" I asked but he shook his head.

"It isn't something I can tell." He said in return, making me more confused.

"Stop thinking about it, whatever it is just do it." I told him and he seemed a little shaky and I could feel his pounding heart against my head as I leaned against his chest.


"Yeah, go for it. What do you have to loose?" I asked and the boy took a breath.

"Fine." He said and then I felt his hand slide under my chin, carefully turning my head so that I was facing him instead of the horizon. Then, the boy brought his lips to mine.

My eyes widened with shock as the boy slowly kissed me, his hand sliding up to my cheek from beneath my chin. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, but instead of being afraid, I was ecstatic. I moved my lips in sync with his, and when he pulled away I was afraid I had done something wrong. I found that he was only catching his breath, smiling as widely as me. I wanted this, I wanted him, so I pulled the boy into another kiss. I felt sparks fly as the butterflies took over my entire stomach. I felt my cheeks go red as his soft warm breaths brushed against my skin. I was freezing before, but now I was warm.

After another long, passionate kiss, I backed away. I looked into the boys eyes and they seemed to sparkle. He was so handsome, and so hot. So very very hot. I rested my head in the crease of his neck and he wrapped me into a tighter hug, resting his chin on my head.

Even though we had been through hell, with Brenda having the Flare and WICKED, Minho was able to make me feel better. He made me feel like the whole world wasn't going to end. That maybe, just maybe, there was hope in the world.

"You should come to the Safe Haven." Minho whispered in my ear, obviously knowing I wouldn't go without Brenda.

"Minho, I can't."

"You can." He said but I shook my head.

"Not without her." I said.

"I don't want to go without you." He said but I laughed even though he was being serious. More serious then I had ever seen him.

"I'm not worth that." I said but the boy shook his head, kissing my cheek.

"You are to me." He said but then looked up when he heard some footsteps approaching.

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