Part Nineteen: Truth And Lies

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His black veins protruded from his skin, he was pale, and his nose was completely missing. He stared deeply at us with his red irritated eyes, the dark circles underneath were very obvious. Now that he was closer, I could smell where the stench of death was coming from. I still couldn't look away from the two dark holes in his face where is nose should have been. That explained the mumbling of 'Rose stole my nose', though, I was curious about who Rose was.

The side of his face and neck was breaking, bubbling up with blisters and black from his thick veins. His lips didn't have a color, they were as pale as the rest of his body. I still couldn't figure out how he hadn't gone past the gone yet, but then I thought about the IV. That's when it hit me that it was the Bliss, the liquid made from the Immune children to slow the virus. That's how he's been living, but I wondered how a guy like Lawrence had gotten his hands on some when WICKED guarded it with their life.

It was quite obvious what the man was, but that wasn't the answer he was looking for and Thomas knew it. For once, the boy stood silently, not being his usual impulsive self, which was weird to witness. Lawrence got up in the brunette's face, Thomas's nose only inches away from the Crank.

"I'm a business man." Lawrence whispered in his ear. "Which means I don't take unnecessary risks."

I found my mouth moving before I could even stop myself.

"Then you'll accept our offer." I said, knowing all to well that we didn't have an offer for him, but I was good at making things up on the spot. I watched the Crank slowly turn his head to face me, his broken eyes staring into my own.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" I could hear my dad whisper harshly to me, but I ignored him.

"Did you need me to repeat myself?" I asked and Lawrence turned his head slightly to the side like a puppy. A really ugly puppy.

"And who are you?" He asked and I could feel Gally staring at me along with everyone else in the room.

"I'm the daughter of a businessman, so I know how this works." I told him and he scoffed and smiled with his rotten teeth.

"Come closer girl." He said and I did as told, finding myself next to Thomas. "Now, tell me, how does this work?"

"You won't help us unless we have something to benefit you in return, am I right?" I asked and the man listened intently.

"Indeed it does, but I doubt that any of you will have what I need."

"I wouldn't say that." I responded. "Here's the thing, that IV bag is an hour glass, and your on your last grain."

"(Y/n)!" Gally said harshly and the Crank quickly turned to him.

"Gally, let her speak." He said, turning back to me. "It seems as though you are right, but you've neglected to inform me how this is relevant."

"You see Lawrence, you and I, we both want the same thing, we both want inside the city. You get us inside their walls, we get you inside their security systems. We can also supply you with enough Bliss to last you a lifetime." This made the man scoff. "Don't doubt our abilities."

This made the man stop and look at me seriously, I know he wanted me to look away to show that I was weak, but I didn't. As much as looking into the eyes of a Crank made me feel uncomfortable, I couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that I was afraid of him. After a few seconds, the man smiled widely, patting me on the shoulder.

"Your father taught you well I see." Lawrence responded as he stood down and I realized I had been holding my breath. "I'll tell you what, two can go for now, the rest stay down here with me. Just insurance to make sure you find your way back; as the daughter of a businessman, you should understand."

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