Part Two: Meeting My Dad

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I walked them through the warehouse, the brunette, Thomas, taking the lead behind me. I could feel Minho staring at me but I chose to ignore it.

I don't want to say that I was ashamed of my home, but I was. It was great when it was just me, Brenda, my dad, and a few others. But the place started slipping when more dangerous people started arriving. This place took hard work to build, none of which the majority of these people put in.

"How do you catch them?" Thomas asked and I scoffed a little, turning to face him as I walked backwards. When I turned, I saw Minho staring like I assumed he'd be.

"Catch who? The Cranks?" I asked and he nodded. "We don't. The one that leapt out at your girl there, his name was Jon, and he started showing symptoms so we took the precautions."

"Wait, so those things are your friends?" Teresa asked, horrified. "You keep your friends locked in there?"

"Were. They were my friends" I said flatly, trying not to think about it too much. "But as the years go by and more and more people start getting infected, you start to loose attachment. It makes it easier." I told them.

"Why not just kill them?" Minho asked and I paused.

"If I were in charge, I would. It would be better then putting them in Crank Land." I told them and I could hear the confusion.

"What's Crank Land?" The boy, Frypan, asked.

"Take an educated guess." I said, going through a giant hole in the wall. As I walked through, I passed one of our people who towered over all of us. There were two men playing a game of cards who quickly slammed the deck on the table.

"Evening." I said and they scowled. Something else I forgot to mention, not many people liked me here cause I had a higher authority then them. I normally used it against them just to get them mad, but if a fight ever broke out, I'm always the one who wins, the boss's daughter or not, it didn't matter. Besides, if I got in a fight, my father wouldn't stop it.

"Who are they?" One of the men asked.

"None of your business, so why don't you continue braiding each other's hair." I said, and then turned to the group as they looked around.

"Hey," I called. "Trust me when I say your gonna wanna stick with me."

They picked up speed as I lead them over to a set of stairs. As we walked by and I walked up the stair case, I heard a deep raspy voice call out to me.

"So, what, we picking up strays now?" A big man, Barkley, said and I jumped down those stairs. I got right in his face, backing him away from Minho who decided to have a staring competition with the man twice his size.

"What do you think you were when you got here, huh? You think Jorge saw you as his equal?" I said in his face and he stared me down. "What are you gonna do? Huh? Hurt me? Cause that went really well for you last time right? What's it like missing one of your teeth?"

With that, Barkley backed down, a scowl still present on his face. I turned to Minho and looked at him seriously.

"If you wanna get yourself hurt, fine, just do it when I'm not looking. You already got struck by lightning, how much more do you think you can take?" I told him, and then walked back to the front of the group. "Let's go."

When they all reached the top of the stairs, we were almost there. I wasn't sure I really wanted to bring them to my dad, he could be unpredictable with these types of things. But I respected his judgment, even if it was not equal to mine. He was still my dad.

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