Part Twenty: Truth Unfolds

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"Mom?" I said as I came up behind my mother, making her jump back slightly. She looked over at me, irritated.

"(Y/n), leave." She told me harshly but I shook my head.

"Why?" I asked but she seemed to get more irritated. "Mom, what are you doing with the records?" I asked as I noticed that my mother was with the records and record player. It was the only possession I owned that I actually cared about.

"I just want to clear my head." She said and I came up to her, flipping through the few records I did have, finding the one I was looking for. I pulled the record out of its sleeve and showed it to my mom, thinking she'd smile. She didn't.

"It's The Beach Boys mom! You love The Beach Boys." I said but my mother seemed to get even more mad at me by the second, making me feel like I had done something wrong.

"(Y/n), I swear to god, if you don't leave..."

"We could sing our favorite song, that might help clear your head." I suggested but my mother finally had it, taking the record from my hand and smashing it against the wall viciously. I stood there in shock, tears threatening to leave my eyes as I ran over to pick up its pieces.

"My god (Y/n), you were such a mistake!" She screamed at me and I felt those tears roll down my cheeks. I wasn't sure what she meant by that, too young to really understand but old enough for it to hurt.

I looked up to her and I saw her explosive attitude wash away and a look of guilt replace it.

"I-I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me..." she said and I felt my body tremble.

"It's okay." I stuttered. "B-Brenda said that she'd look for new records so maybe she'll find another one." I said and my mother still looked guilty, maybe even afraid of herself.

"Yeah, yeah your right." She said and then she left the room with me sitting there alone, the broken pieces of my favorite record in my hand.

By the time the boys had arrived back, the night sky had taken over the day, bringing the camp into a slight darkness. We had all been waiting for the others to get back for a couple hours and it had been silent the entire time. I tried to ignore it as best as possible, but the fear continued to rise inside of me from the Flare. What was going to happen? We got lucky with Brenda because of Mary, but we didn't have Mary anymore. Was I going to die? Yes, yes I was, but I remembered Minho.

Minho was the reason I was going to keep going, because he was all that mattered. I kept myself away from everyone as best I could, going back through my memories and remembering when all of it started. The Crank tunnel was when the pain began and shortly after that I got more easily irritated. It's been a day since I had the Flare, it didn't take Brenda much longer then that when she started to Crank out. Who knows how long it will take me.

Thinking about it now, and remembering what a Crank is like past the gone, I knew I had to have a backup plan for when it happened to me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever hurt any of them, but I don't know what's going to happen.

I took a deep breath, pushing it all away as I watched Thomas come up first, Gally after him and Newt after Gally. Thomas stormed off and Newt ran after the boy, this made me nervous. What happened? I looked over to the others but they shrugged. Gally was still standing there, watching Thomas and Newt until he couldn't see them anymore, then he turned to us.

"There's a room down the hall, third to the left. It's got a map of the city, we'll meet in there." He said and it took the others a minute before they all nodded, exiting and walking down the hall. Gally noticed I hadn't moved yet.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now