Part Thirteen: Im Going To Kill Ava Paige

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   My whole body felt numb and weak, as if all the energy inside of me was sucked away. It had been an hour since the berg took off with Minho and the rest of the Immunes but I was still on my knees, being held tightly by my father. The sobs and tears had stopped, but I still felt so empty.

   People had finished putting out the last of the fires and were now trying to find a good place to sleep. The camp had settled down for the most part and I wasn't sure where the others were. I knew Newt had pulled Thomas away to find him a place to rest, knowing that Thomas wouldn't do it himself. Fry was with Brenda, helping with the fires, and here I was, laying their uselessly.

   "(Y/n), we should find a place to sleep the night." My father said to me but I shook my head. I knew there was no way I was going to get any sleep, not after tonight's events. Maybe the world hated happy endings, that was always how it seemed to be anyway.

   "I could have done something." I said but my father disagreed.

   "No, there was nothing you could have done." He assured me but I didn't believe it. I know I never would. "Now come on, let's get some rest." My father then said, laying me on the dirt floor of the hill. He laid down next to me, knowing I didn't want to be alone right now. I don't know where I would have been without my father, he was always there for me no matter what.

   After another two hours of attempting to go to sleep and everyone else at the camp asleep, I realized that I was just wasting time. Why try to sleep when I know I couldn't? So I got up, making sure not to wake my dad in the process. Slowly I made my way down to the more destroyed parts of the camp.

   All the people had found resting places outside of the destruction so I knew I wasn't going to wake anyone up. I couldn't see very well but I was going to try and find any decently intact supplies. It was all I could do.

   I began rummaging through the debris, picking up broken things left and right but to no avail. Quicker, I began throwing the debris across the dirt, getting more and more vicious with it. This sudden rage took over me and I kicked at the pile, sending broken bits of metal and junk flying across the dirt. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't, so I pushed my hair back and let the tears fall again.

   "You okay?" A voice asked and I turned to see Thomas standing there with a flashlight in his hand. The light was pointed at me and I'm sure I looked like an utter mess, but after tonight, who doesn't?

   "Are you?" I asked with my hoarse shaky voice, reversing the question.

   "I'm not the one throwing debris across the camp." He then said.

   "True." I agreed and the boy nodded, making his way over to me.

   "I'm gonna guess that you couldn't sleep?" Thomas said and I nodded and he shrugged in return. "Yeah, me neither. I just can't believe all of this." The boy said and I put a hand on his shoulder.

   "I'm sorry, about Teresa and about..." I paused for a second before I said his name. "Minho."

   "Yeah, me too." He said. "It just feels like a dream, or at least, I want it to be."

   "I couldn't agree more." I said as both me and the boy sat on the ground crisscross. Thomas turned off the flashlight now so that we could see the stars. Maybe he thought it would be a good way of calming us down. It worked for me as it was something me, my father, and my mother would do constantly. Looking at the stars was a beautiful thing.

   "What did Teresa tell you?" The boy asked and I turned to him. "On the cliff when I asked you to check on her?" Thomas clarified and I felt a chill run down my spine, and not from the cold.

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