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After Cleo left I ended up falling asleep on the couch. After like an hour I woke up and headed upstairs to take a shower. I was in the shower for like 20 minutes then I got out. Soon as I got out my phone started ringing and it was Cleo. She called to tell me her stomach was hurting cuz she ate a pie. We talked for a lil longer then she hung up. Few minutes after she hung up, she sent me her location which was weird but I didn't think much of it.

4 hours has passed by and I've been texting and calling her but she hasn't been answering neither. I called Reese's phone and she answered on the 4th ring.

"Wassup girl..." she answered the phone

"Hey, I was calling to see if y'all talked to Cleo today??" I asked

"Nah..." she said
"Baby have you talked to Cleo??" Reese asked Sunny

"No but earlier she sent me her location..." she said

"Yeah she sent it to me too. I was getting a bit worried cuz she hasn't called me since earlier like 4 hours ago. Which is not like her..." I said

"Yeah that's not like her to not call you..." Sunny said

"If she doesn't call in the next 2 hours I'll call y'all back..." I said

"Alright I'll try to get in contact with her..." they said then we hung up

I tried calling her a few more times but still no answer. I decided to just waited around for her call, but 2 hours passed and I still didn't receive one. I was bout to call Reese back but they called first.

"Any luck??" Sunny asked

"Not at all. You??" I asked

"Nope..." she said

"Where the fuck can she be..." I said thinking

"I'm bout to head to this last house she was at..." Sunny said

"Okay let me know what happens..." I said before we hung up

I was still waiting on Cleo's call and now I was waiting on Sunny's too. Within a hour and 30 minutes Sunny called me back.

"Hello..." I said

"Okay the house she was at the girl Cleo left her house. I asked what way she went, ole girl showed me and now I'm standing in front of Cleo's jeep. Everything's in here except her..." she said
"Her phone still here and all her camera stuff is here..." she said

"Where the hell could she be??" I asked myself

I really started thinking hard then it's only one name popped up in my head. TOBIAS!!!

Soon as his name came to my head a notification came to my phone. I opened it and it was a text from a unknown number. I opened it and it was a picture of Cleo tied up and she knocked out. Soon as I looked at the picture a text came behind it.

Unknown: Doesn't she look pretty! I tried to be reasonable with y'all now we are going to do what I say. It's my way or you can kiss your lil girlfriend goodbye. Listen to everything I say and everything will go smoothly.

Me: What you want Tobias??

Unknown: Tomorrow I need you to meet me at the location I send to you. I get to have my way with you in front of your lil girlfriend then y'all can leave happily. If you don't comply your lil girlfriend will pay. So choose wisely.

I called Reese back.

"Hello..." she answered

"Let me talk to Sunny..." I said and she passed her the phone

"Wassup..." Sunny said

"I know where she's at..." I said

"Where??" She asked

"Tobias has her. He text and said he needed me to come somewhere tomorrow so he can have his way with me in front of her..." I said

"He's always on something..." she said sighing

"What are we going to do??" I asked

"Hold on. I'm bout to call up some people and we'll be at your house in about an hour and a half..." she said

"Okay.." I said before hanging up

I got up and put some clothes on cuz I still had on my robe. Within a hour Sunny came to my house with 3 men.

"Wassup..." Sunny said and I waved

I let them in and they sat in the front room. One of the men was giving me the dirtiest look. He looked like he had some to say but didn't.

"Y'all this is Delilah, Cleo's girlfriend..." she said and I waved
"Delilah this is Bray, Gray and Ray, they are fertile triples..." she said introducing us

So Ray was the one giving me the stank look.
They waved and we did a lil talking. I opened my phone and showed them the text. They all read them and passed my back the phone.

"I got an idea..." Gray said

"Hit me..." Sunny said

"Give her a tracking and walkie device, an unnoticeable one. Once she get there and get into it she'll give us a signal. We come in and get Cleo and her out..." Gray said

"Okay what if it's more people in there than we think??" I asked

"We got that, you just don't fuck up..." Ray growled at me

I gave him a stank face cuz what the fuck.

"What's your problem??" Gray asked him

"Cleo has never been in any trouble then all of a sudden she get with her then she get into all this shit..." he said

"What are you trying to say??" I asked looking at him

"All this shit Cleo is going through because of you. It's you, your the problem..." he said looking at me

"Excuse me..." I said

"Ray bruh chill out. You don't even know what's really going on..." Sunny said looking at him

"First off you don't know me or anything about me. I will not be disrespected in my own shit. If you got a problem the door is right there and you can hit it whenever you're ready. Secondly I will never put Cleo in a dangerous situation like this. I'm willing to give myself up to him so he could let her go. If I had something to do with it, I would be trying to help. I don't your problem with me and honestly I don't care. I just trying to get Cleo back. So fuck what you have to say..." I said standing up
" So thanks for coming, I'll give you the deeds later Sunny and y'all can see y'all way out. Thank you..." I said getting up going into the kitchen

After a few minutes I heard the door closed. I looked up and I seen Sunny coming into the kitchen.

"Look I'm sorry about him. I don't know what's up with him but I'll talk to him. I call later..." Sunny said and I nodded

She left out, I locked my door and went to my room. I called an talk to the boys and told Kace what was going on. He gave me some encouraging words. Letting me know everything was going to fine and nothing is going to happen to her. Like a hour after I got off the phone with him and Tobias sent me the address. I called Sunny and told her the address. She was going to come here tomorrow with the other so we could throughly talk about the plan. After getting off the phone, I watched tv all night. I couldn't sleep knowing what was going on. I was watching movies all night.

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