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*2 months later

These kids have been running me crazy about Cleo. They ready to see her and they ain't taking no for an answer. When I came back home they thought she was coming back with me. But she wasn't. Rhys was upset and Geo was sad. I hate seeing them like. I told them Cleo was busy and she was going to come when she have time but like I said, they ain't taking no for an answer. So this weekend I was surprising her and them by going to take them to see her. She told me I can come when I want sooo!!

It was Thursday and I was in the process of packing our back while they're at school. While packing, I heard my phone ringing, I got up and went to get it. I looked at it and it was Kace FaceTiming me. I answered and went back to what I was doing.

"Hey bestie..." he said waving

"Hi bestie..." I said smiling

I sat him up so I could finish Rhys's bag.

"Where you finna go??" He asked

"I was surprising the kids by taking them to see Cleo this weekend..." I said

"Awww that's sweet..." he said smiling
"She know y'all coming??" He asked

"Nope, I'm surprising her too..." I said

"Oh okay..." he said nodding and smiling

"When y'all leaving??" He asked

"I got a 2 am flight tonight so we can make it there early in the morning..." I said

"No school from them, they are going to be happy..." he said making me laugh

"Yeah, they are..." I said

We talking for a bit then I got off the phone with him. Soon as I hung up from him, Cleo FaceTimed me.

"Hey homegirl..." I said answering the FaceTime

"Wassup baby mama..." she said making me laugh
"What you doing??" She asked

"Nothing a lil cleaning..." I said and she nodded

"I have tomorrow off but I wish I had a whole week so I can spend it with you and the boys..." she said

"Me too, but it'll come soon..." I said

"I hope real soon..." she said

"You must miss us??" I asked smiling

"I do..." she said smiling too

We talked for like a hour before she had to get back to work. I finished packing and I put our bags downstairs. It was 12 something and the kids don't make it home until 3, so I decided to go to the store. I went to get more groceries so I'll be stocked up when we get back, I got a refill on Rhys's medicine then I checked out and went home. I was putting the stuff in the fridge when the boys came through the door racing. They both flew to the kitchen and hugged me.

"Well hello..." I said hugging them

They went to take their clothes off, they ate a snack while doing their homework then we went in the front to watch movies. Around 6:30 I started cooking. Once I got done,  we ate, they bathe then they got in my bed. I cleaned up while on the phone with Cleo, bath then got in bed. They were already sleep when I got in bed. I set my alarm for 12:45 so I can be up and get myself and them together. After a few minutes I was finally able to go to sleep.

*12:45 am

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up, brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. I woke them up and they were confused and thought it was time to get up for school. They went to use it, brushed their teeth and I found them some comfortable clothes to put on. I ordered a Uber and it only took them 15 minutes to get here. I put our bags in and we headed to the airport.

"Mom where we going??" Rhys asked

"It's a surprise..." I said looking at him smiling

We got to the airport, got our bags checked and made it just in time to board the plane. This were their first time being on the plane so they were excited but nervous. I let them have the seats by the window. The plane was all set and we took off. During the fly I was sleepy and wanted to sleep but they wasn't going to sleep. I didn't want to leave them up so I slept for like a hour but it was me going in and out not fully sleeping. Once we got off the plane, got our bags, I ordered a Uber to Cleo's house and we waited on it. Once it pulled up, I put the bags in and we headed to Cleo's house. We got there, I got the boys out, the bags out then we went up to the door. I knocked twice then ringed the doorbell. I heard shuffling in the house then I covered the peephole with my hand.

"Who is it??" I heard her say

I looked down at the boys and they eyes were wide. Cleo unlocked and opened the door.

"CLEO!!" The boys yelled as they jumped on her making her fall

"Heyyyy..." she said hugging them

I looked at their interaction with a big smile on my face. They finally got up, I brung the bags in the house and closed the door. Her and the boys went to the couch and was just talking down. They were filling each other in on everything. Rhys was telling her about their new games, how they've been doing in school and etc. She showed the boys some of her new stuff and they came back in the front. She cut the tv on and gave them the remote.

"Hey baby. I'm sorry for not acknowledging you, was just tryna catch up with them..." she said pulling me up off the couch

"It's okay, they really missed you..." I said

"Thank you..." she said smiling at me

"You're welcome baby..." I said smiling

She wrapped her arm around my waist and picked me up. I grabbed her face and kissed her. We pulled away and she looked at me.

"I missed you..." she said hugging me

"I missed you too..." I said pecking her lips 2 more times

"Y'all hungry??" She asked us

"Yes..." Geo said

"I'm cooking, you wanna come??" She asked and I nodded

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