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After leaving Delilah's house we headed home.

"What you doing today??" Sunny asked me

" I was going to take Delilah and boys out today??" I told her as I stopped at a red light

"You like her, don't you??" Sunny asked looking at me

"Sunny I don't even know her like that, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like women..." I said to her as I pulled off

"Whatever Cleo, I can tell she likes you. I know you like her too..." she said tapping my arm

I mean yeah she's a nice girl. She's good with the boys. She has a nice ass body. Her personality is cool, but I don't know. She prolly doesn't like women. She prolly ain't look either. It's seems like she's really focus on the boys and her work. I just know I enjoy spending time with her and the boys alot.

It didn't take us long before we got home. We grabbed our stuff and headed in the house. Soon as we got in the house we went into our rooms and started getting ready for what we had planned for the day. I been thinking about where I wanted to take them. I finally decided I was going to take them to the aquarium and out to eat. The boys will probably like seeing the fish in the water.

I walked into my closet to find me something to wear. I didn't know if I wanted to wear a jogging suit or jeans. I couldn't decided so I got in the shower and just figure out when I got out. It took 25 minutes shower and got out. I moisturized my face and oiled my scalp. I threw my hair up and went back into my closet. I grabbed my tan jogging suit, I put that on and some white Nikes. I looked in the mirror and I looked nice. I grabbed some cologne, put it on and put on my chain. I went back into the bathroom and fixed my messy bun. After I was done it was 3:15 so I decided it was time for me to head out. I walked out my room.

"I'm bout to head out..." I hollered out to them

"See ya later..." I heard Reese say

"Have fun..." Sunny said after

I closed the door to my room, and headed out the door. I got in the car, started it and pulled off. On the way there I had to stop to get gas. I texted Delilah and told her I was in the way and she said, "Okay." I stopped got gas and headed to picked them up. I finally pulled up and honked the horn. I seen Geo opening the door with a smile on his face. Him and Rhys ran to the car as Delilah locked the door. As I really looked we all had on jogging suits and white shoes. It wasn't planned but it was cute. I got out the car and opened the doors for the boys and when Delilah came I opened the door for her.

"Thanks..." she said smiling at me

"You're welcome beautiful..." I said and she turned her head but I can tell she was blushing

I closed her door and walked back to my side of the car and got in. I pulled out the driveway and headed to the aquarium. It took us like 35 minutes to get there. When we pulled up, Delilah looked at me and smiled.

"They are going to love this..." she said

"You really think so??" I asked looking at her

"Yeah, I've never thought to bring them here. They are going to love it..." she said looking back at them

"Y'all ready??"She asked them

"Yes..." they said

"I can't hear y'all..." I said said looking back at them

"Yesssss...." they yelled and we all laughed

I got out the car and opened the door for Delilah. We smiled at each other and I went to open the door for the boys. They hopped out super excited. I grabbed Geo's hand and Delilah grabbed Rhys' hand. We started walking in. The line was kinda long but not really. It didn't take us long to get in at all tho. We finna go in, I paid for us, they put wrist bands on us and we walked in. Soon as we walked in, the boys seen the fish and got super excited. We were walking talking about fish looking at them and just enjoying each other.

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