3. The Second-Hand Book Shop

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Author's Note:

Hey guys 🥺I'm sorry for the lateeee chapter - I took some time off because of uni and work etc. etc. I HOPE YOU FORGIVE ME!!

Enjoy hehe


Inside the car was silent as it rolled towards Sinful Cafe, and I found my head in my hands as I gazed out the tinted window. Grey buildings filled most of my view, but the odd sight of someone walking their dog was enough for me.

Eventually, we pulled up by the curb near the cafe and Chandler peered back at me in the mirror.

"Make sure you text me when you're leaving, Miss Liones. Have a lovely day," his eyes crinkled at the sides as he wished me farewell, and I smiled back. Meliodas thanked him for the lift before he pushed open his door.

I didn't wait for him to come around to open my door. I shoved the door open and stepped out into the midday sun. As I shut the door behind me, Meliodas gave me an unrecognizable look. I decided not to dwell on it as he adjusted the cuffs of his jacket.

"I won't embarrass you by sitting at your table, but I will be close by. When you are ready to go, ensure you let me know," he said as he took a step toward me. I opened my mouth to protest but remembered my Father's threat.

Any means necessary.

I snapped my mouth shut and nodded, taking the lead toward the cafe.


"Y/N! There you are," Diane greeted, standing up from her seat in the green garden chair. I smiled and we exchanged cheek kisses, Merlin gave me her hand.

"Hello darling," she purred before her eyes flickered behind me. I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at Meliodas, who had taken his jacket off and sat in a table-for-two a few spots back.

"Look who's here again today," She murmured, causing my eyes to roll.

"Yeahhh, about that," I pointed behind me once we sat down, "he's my bodyguard."

The girls gasped and frowned, which made my heart rate accelerate.

"Why would you need a bodyguard?" Diane whispered, her brows furrowed. I found myself holding my breath slightly before I answered.

"My dad," I forced a chuckle and shook my head for emphasis, "he thinks the town's getting bad. He insisted I have a bodyguard," I tried to keep my voice down, which wasn't hard considering the guilt I felt for lying to them.

"That doesn't make sense. If anything, the crime rate has been going down," Merlin muttered as she pulled out her phone and typed something. When she showed me her phone, it was an article containing statistics about the town's crime rate.

A nervous laugh erupted from me as the waiter came over and placed our jug of lemon-lime and bitters on the table, followed by three glasses.

"I told him it didn't make sense, but he's stubborn," I added, pouring our drinks for us. Heavy icecubes slid out of the jug and splashed into my cup, but I was too busy scrutinising their expressions to notice.

"Well, why is he sitting over there?" Diane murmured, watching him intently. I looked back at him and caught his gaze from under his long hair, my breath getting caught in my throat again.

I'd be lying if I said he didn't look terrifying right now.

"He wanted to sit over there," I defended, not completely lying. I never explicitly said I wanted him to sit somewhere else.

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